国际航行船舶 货物系固手册 序言(PREAMBLE) 本手册是按照1974年《国际海上人命安全公约》、国际海事组织第Msc/Circ745号通函、国际海事组织决议A.714(17)以及“货物积载和系固安全操作规则”编制的。 This manual has been prepared according to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea , 1974(SOLAS) 1994 amendment, the IMO Msc/circ745,the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (IMO Resolution A.714(17) ). 本手册应永久保留在船上, 以便船级社的验船师、港口国检查的官员以及其他有关人员的随时检查。 The manual shall always be kept on board and available for inspection by class surveyors , port/flag state inspectors and others to whom it may concern. 如系固装置和对系固手册的要求有变化, 本手册应修订并送船级社或主管当局重新批准。 The manual is to be modified and re-approved by the Classification Society or the Administration in case of that the provision of Cargo Securing Manual was revised or the cargo securing devices were changed. 附录应保持最新有效。 Appendix should be maintained up to date. 目 录 CONTENTS 第一章(CHAPTER 1) 总则(GENERAL) 1.1 船舶数据(SHIP DATA) 1.2 定义(DEFINITIONS) 1.3 概述(GENERAL INATION) 第二章(CHAPTER 2) 货物系固装置(CARGO SECURING DEVICES) 2.1 固定式货物系固设备 ( FIXED CARGO SECURING DEVICES) 2.2 便携式货物系固设备(PORTABLE CARGO SECURING DEVICES) 2.3 检查和维护计划(INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE SCHEMES) 第三章(CHAPTER 3): 非标准化和半标准化货物的积载和系固 (STOWAGE & SECURING OF NON-STANDARDIZED AND SEMI-STANDARDIZED CARGO ) 3.1 积载和系固须知 ( STOWAGE AND SECURING INSTRUCTIONS ) 3.2 货物单元受力计算(UATION OF FORCES ACTING ON CARGO UNITS) 3.3 各种货物单元、车辆和积载容器上的可移动系固装置的使用(APPLICATION OF PORTABLE SECURING DEVICES ON VARIOUS CARGO UNITS,VEHICLES AND STOWAGE BLOCKS) 附则一(ANNEX 1) 非为运输集装箱而专门设计和装备的船舶的甲板上的集装箱的安全积载和系固 Safe stowage and securing of containers on deck of ships which are not specially designed and fitted for the purpose of carrying containers 附则二(ANNEX 2) 45 移动式罐柜的安全积载和系固 Safe stowage and securing of portable tanks 附则三(ANNEX 3) 51 移动式容器的安全积载和系固 Safe stowage and securing of portable receptacles 附则四(ANNEX 4) 55 轮载(滚动)货物的安全积载和系固 Safe stowage and securing of wheel-based(rolling cargoes) 附则五(ANNE