精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 Multi-phase Dynamic Coupling Research on the Bridge in Collision with Ships 摘 要 桥—船相撞是一个困扰工程界已久的复杂灾害性问题,现有对这一问题的理论分析和处理手段还很不完善。本文针对这一严峻现实,在前人已有成果的基础上,较为系统和深化的探讨了桥—船相撞问题的三个主要方面:桥—船相撞概率、撞击力大小和桥梁抗撞稳定性,建立了相应的理论模型,力图为桥梁船撞风险分析、抗撞能力校核、防撞设施设计提供较为可靠的理论依据和分析计算手段。 本文建立的桥—船相撞概率计算模型、异相耦合动力学分析模型和桥梁抗撞稳定性判别模型,较为全面的考虑了影响桥—船相撞的多种因素及其相互关联耦合特性,结合实验数据引入合理假定,寻求简化途径,首次独立提出了桥梁碰撞有效子结构概念和压杆横向临界集中力概念,较为准确的刻画了桥—船相撞问题的本质,初步形成了关于桥—船相撞的理论体系,为以后该领域工作的开展提供了较好的参照。 关键词:桥—船相撞 概率 异相耦合动力学 有效子结构 横向临界集中力 ABSTRACT Brigde-ship collision do be a disastrous and complicated problem that has caused many loss of lives and money and obsessed the engineers all over the world. Up to now the solutions to this problem still are unsatisfactorily inaccurate and incomplete. So the prevention or alleviation of bridge-ship collision in engineering practice lacks correct theoretical direction and reasonable measures. Aimed at the crucial facts mentioned above, based on the existent achievements made by those predecessors, the paper systematically explores the main aspects of the bridge-ship colliding problem step by step: the probabilities of collision, the colliding forces and the safety and stability of bridges in collision, then builds three corres- ponding models to try to tackle the problem effectively: I. The model for calculating the probabilities of the collision of a ship with a specified bridge, in which as many subjective or objective factors as possible are considered according to their own stochastic properties and the way they affect the colliding accidents. II. The multi-phase dynamic coupling model for analyzing the development and the peak of the colliding force, in which some reasonable presumptions are introduced in and necessary simplifications made to strike a good balance between applicability and reliability. III. The beam-column elasto-plastic buckling model for judging the safety and stability of bridge compressive members in collision with ships, in which a new concept of ‘Transverse critical concentrated force’ is put forward for the first time and solved in a convenient way, and the judgment of the stability of bridge compressive members is conducted in statics by taking the dynamic effects into account. At the end, the theoretical models built before are checked and questioned by model tests of bridge-ship collision in lab, to warrant the reasonability and correctness of the theoretical models to some extent. Key words: Bridge-ship collision, Probability, Multi-phase coupling dynamics, Effective sub-structure, Transverse critical concentrated force 目 录 第一章引 言 …………………………………………………………01 1.1 桥梁—船只撞击问题概述…………………………………………………01 1.2 国内外讨论进展与存在的问题……………………………………………02 1.3 本文主要讨论内容和思路 …………………………………………………03 第二章 桥—船相撞的概率模型 ………………………………………05 2.1 主观因素对碰撞概率的影响 ………………………………………………05 2.2 客观因素对碰撞概率的影响 ………………………………………………09 2.3 桥—船碰撞概率模型………………………………………………………10 第三章 桥—船相撞的异相耦合特性分析 ……………………………12 3.1 船只与水流的耦合特性……………………………………………………12