英语教学法教程英语教学法教程 ( (第二版第二版)Unit2)Unit2 要点要点 Unit 2Unit 2 Communicative Language TeachingCommunicative Language Teaching The goal of CLT is to develop students’ communicative competence , The goal of CLT is to develop students’ communicative competence , whichwhich includesincludes bothboth thethe knowledgeknowledge aboutabout thethe languagelanguage andand thethe knowledgeknowledgeaboutabouthowhowtotouseusethethelanguagelanguageappropriatelyappropriatelyinin communicativecommunicative situations(knowledgesituations(knowledge ofof whatwhat toto say,say, when,when, how,how, where, and to whom).where, and to whom). Five main components of communicative competenceFive main components of communicative competence Linguistic Linguistic competence:competence: knowledgeknowledge ofof thethe languagelanguage itself,itself, itsits andand meaningmeaning (spelling,(spelling, pronunciation,pronunciation, vocabulary,vocabulary, wordword ation,ation, grammatical structure, sentence structure, semantics)grammatical structure, sentence structure, semantics) Pragmatic competence: the appropriate use of the language in social Pragmatic competence: the appropriate use of the language in social contextcontext (the(the choicechoice ofof thethe vocabularyvocabulary andand structurestructure dependsdepends onon thethe setting, the relative status of the speakers and their relationships.)setting, the relative status of the speakers and their relationships.) Discourse competence: one’s ability to create Discourse competence: one’s ability to createcoherent written textcoherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them.(to express or toor conversation and the ability to understand them.(to express or to understand a topic logically and coherently by effectively employingunderstand a topic logically and coherently by effectively employing or comprehending the cohesive markers used in the discourse)or comprehending the cohesive markers used in the discourse) Five main components of communicative competenceFive main components of communicative competence Strategic Strategic competencecompetence: :one’sone’s abilityabilitytotocompensatecompensateforforthethe communication breakdown due to lack of resources by searching forcommunication breakdown due to lack of resources by searching for otherother meansmeans ofof expression,expression, suchsuch asas usingusing a a similarsimilar phrase,phrase, usingusing gestures, or using a longer explanation.gestures, or using a longer explanation. Fluency: Fluency: one’sone’s abilityability toto linklink unitsunits ofof speechspeech together withtogether with facilityfacility and without strain or inappropriate slowness or undue hesitationand without strain or inappropriate slowness or undue hesitation Principles of CLTPrinciples of CLT Communication Communicationprinciple:principle:activitiesactivitiesthatthatinvolveinvolverealreal communication promote learningcommunication promote learning Task