‘TASTE‘TASTE - ADD W- ADD W CAFÉ associates will avoid any questioning of guests, as to their menu or beverage selection at the time of serving courses 员工将负责客人提出的要求而不是转给其它部门;员工将解决客人的问题,像在服务中 菜牌和酒水牌的问题。 TAS 3There will be no minimum cover charge in the inal restaurant. 餐厅不设最低消费。 TAS 4Service will be friendly and attentive without hovering, and efficient, without rushing guest 提供真诚殷切的服务,不能在客人附近徘徊,要有效率的服务不能催促客人。 TAS 5The Manager, Team Leader or Host / Hostess will be actively involved in all aspects of guest service 经理, 领班和领位员都应积极参与为客人的全方位的服务。 TAS 6Requests for substitution and items not on the menu will be honoured, if readily accessible 如果可能的话,接受客人提出的一些替代品或是不在菜单上的菜,将是值得推崇的。 TAS 7If there are guest’s complaints about food or wine they will be replaced without question, free of charge 如果客人投诉食物和酒水,我们将毫不迟疑地免费为之调换。 TAS 8All used china, glass, cutlery and service equipment will be quietly cleared from guest view 所有用过的瓷器,杯子,餐具及其他用品在调换中必须安静地调换。 TAS 9Checks will be presented as follows: 以下帐单须自动呈现给客人: Breakfast - automatic – on table(早餐 – 主动-桌子上) Lunch - automatic – on table(午餐 – 主动-桌子上) Dinner - automatic – on table(晚餐 – 主动-桌子上) Supper - automatic – on table(夜宵 – 主动-桌子上) Snack - automatic – on table(小食 – 主动-桌子上) TAS 10Small complimentary sweets will be provided at door 在门厅边准备免费小甜点。 Comply TAS 11Trained “first aider“ will be on call during all opening hours of restaurant 在餐厅营业时间应有受过训练的急救员随时待命。 TAS 12No handwritten posters, bulletin boards or signs will be used except for blackboard specials (Optional) 除了特殊黑板,不能手写海报,公告栏或牌子。 TAS 13Ashtrays will be replaced after every 2 cigarettes are extinguished 有两个烟头的烟灰缸就必须更换。 Not Comply TAS 14 * * TAS 15 TAS 16 TAS 17 When Guests inquire for special items or if associate / order taker is unsure of the guest’s request, associate should refrain from declining the request immediately or responding “no we do not have that” and should instead : * ask for clarification ( in terms of a certain cuisine – ask for colour, cold or warm dish, what are the contents – is it rice, noodle, pasta, soup, salad…etc) * ask if guest would wait whilst associate check to see if desired items or requests are available, before disappointing the guests. 当客人要求一些特殊项目而员工不确定时,员工不应该立即回答“我们没有这个”而应 该换一种问法: 问清楚(它的做法-颜色,冷的还是热的,以及像什么-米饭,面条,意大利面,汤,沙 律……等) 在客人失望之前,要时时关注客人以及帮助客人去找我们是否有客人所需要的东西。 Guests should be notified if their order is not available immediately in order to avoid delay in serving time; associate should apologise to Guests for the inconvenience and recommend guests an alternative item. Associates should also be well versed on the menu item cooking times and assist guests in their ordering by making recommendations and asking what the guests’ preferences are (such as “would you like something light, do you prefer a fast lunch,” etc ….). 如果客人点的东西没有,员工必须第一时间通知客人;员工必须表示抱歉同时推荐可选 择的项目。员工必须有良好的餐牌知识才能给客人推荐或者问客人的喜好(像“是否喜 欢清淡的或是否喜欢快餐”等) During the meal, associates should always anticipate guests needs and scan the area regularly, keepi