精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 内容摘要 1980年以来,我国的对外贸易不断开展,对外贸易依存度也不断提升。据世界银行的数据显示,中国的对外贸易依存度从1980年的18.8%升高到2024年的51.7%,并曾到达64.9%的历史高值,中国已经成为世界对外贸易依存度最高的经济体之一。本文从波动性的视角,参考1980年到2024年的相关数据,通过比拟分析、数据分析等方法,讨论了1978年的改革开放、1997年的亚洲金融危机、2001年的中国入世以及2024年的美国次贷危机四个事件期间中国对外贸易依存度的波动变化。分析发现,改革开放为对外贸易提供了开放的政策,对外贸易开始在国民收入中的比重不断升高,为中国对外贸易依存度的不断升高翻开了大门;而2001年中国入世后,贸易环境改善、开放性进一步加大,中国的对外贸易依存度持续走高。至于这30年间发生的两次规模较大的金融危机——1997年的亚洲金融危机尽管对中国的对外贸易依存度造成了一定的影响,但远没有2024年美国次贷危机造成的波动大,不过也为中国对外贸易的开展模式和结构敲响了警钟。而美国次贷危机由于美国在世界经济格局中的重要地位以及涉及了世界主要的兴旺国家,造成了中国对外贸易依存度的大波动。鉴于对外贸易依存度从某种程度上反映了一国经济对世界市场的依赖程度,其波动过大不利于国家经济的持续健康开展。因此应实行扩大内需、调整产业结构以及开展第三产业等手段,使对外贸易依存度稳定在相对合理水平。 关键词:对外贸易依存度,波动性,出口依存度,进口依存度 Abstract Since 1980, with the continually developing foreign trade, China s foreign-trade dependence (FTD) has been increasing accordingly. World Bank shows there is evidence that China s FTD increased from 18.8% in 1980 to 51.7% in the year 2024, once topped with 64.9%, and China has developed to one of the countries which have highest FTD all over the world. From the view of fluctuation, this paper reference to the related data of 1980-2024, researches China’s FTD fluctuation during the four events which are the 1978 Re, the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, China s WTO accession in 2001 and the U.S. Subprime Mortgage Crisis in 2024,by comparison analysis and data analysis. Analysis found that the 1978 Re provided an open policy, with which foreign trade turned out to be a growing proportion of GDP, and it became a start of the continuous rising of China’s FTD. Then after China s entering WTO in 2001, the better environment stimulated China’s FTD growth. As for the economic crisis in the 30 years – 1997 though impacted China s foreign trade, not as serious as 2024 the U.S. Subprime Mortgage Crisis, however, also alarmed us for the mode and structure of China s foreign trade development. As the U.S. played such an important role in global economy, and major developed countries were involved, when the Subprime Mortgage Crisis out broke, China s foreign trade fluctuated violently. Since to some extent FTD reflects one nation’s economy dependence degree on global market, its abnormal fluctuation will do harm to economy’s sustainable and healthy development. So, expand the domestic demand, adjust industrial structure and develop the tertiary industry are necessary to make the fluctuation of FTD at a reasonable level. Keywords: Foreign-Trade Dependence, Fluctuation, Export Dependence, Import Dependence 目 录 一、引言1 二、理论综述 1 三、中国对外贸易依存度的现状与特点2 四、我国对外贸易依存度波动的历史轨迹4 〔一〕改革开放5 〔二〕1997年亚洲金融危机6 〔三〕参加世界贸易组织〔WTO〕8 〔四〕次贷危机9 五、降低对外贸易依存度波动性的对策11 精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 中国对外贸易依存度的波动性分析 一、引言 对外贸易依存度是衡量一个国家或地区的经济开展对国际市场依赖程度的重要指标之一。改革开放以来,随着中国经济与世界经济联系的日趋紧密,中国的对外贸易依存度也呈逐年上升趋势。这在一方面固然反映出我国进出口贸易行业的繁荣,令人欣喜;另一方面却也说明中国经济的开展对世界市场的依赖程度越来越高,存在着一定的风险。因此,我国目前的对外贸易依存度是否过高、是否应该进行调控,以及如需调控又该如何调控等问题即成为学界热议话题。本文中,笔者将从中国1980年至2024年的对外贸易依存度相关数据入手,并以改革开放、1997亚洲金融危机、中国入世和2024年美国次贷危机四个重要事