精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 中班英语公开课教案教案:嘴和脸 1、理解、会说单词mouth、face。 2、能听懂指令语:“Touchyour.”,会根据老师指令做游戏。 3、复习歌曲《Nicetomeetyou》。 二、活动准备:娃娃头像图片、洋娃娃一个、英语书。 三、活动过程: (一)导入活动: 1、师生问好。 2、出示一张娃娃头图片,与娃娃打招呼:“Hello, baby !” (二)学习单词:mouth 1、、提问:“Whyithebabynotsay ?” 2、游戏:Pathemouth 3、游戏:贴mouth。 4、改编歌曲《Mymouth》 (三)学习单词:face 1、出示娃娃Lily,听她说了什么? 2、找face。(Where is her face?Where are your face?) 3、游戏:Touch your.(Showmeyourfinger) 4、游戏:找一找。 (四)歌表演《Nicetomeetyou》结束活动。 歌曲《Nicetomeetyou》歌词: if i could put you in a frame i’d draw you smiling with a cigarette in your mouth and your hands reaching out for something if i could, if i could wear all your clothes i’d still be different and if i had your speaking voice i’d never whisper i’d talk and talk and talk we will be winners our heads glued together and all is indefinite in you whatever you’ve been told don’t turn to god because you’re cold try the black one, white is nice if you want blue, you’ll pay the price is there no room for us i’ll make a space for us we will be winners our heads glued together and all is indefinite in you meet me in front of the room where we kissed where you changed me, estranged me where no one resists where i followed you, hollowed by you we will be winners our heads glued together and all is indefinite in you we will be winners we will be winners