树形图详细讲解树形图详细讲解 网上的相对理想的树形图答案,注意正两网上的相对理想的树形图答案,注意正两 点:点: 1. 1. 短语和中心词在一竖线上短语和中心词在一竖线上 2. 2. 含有形容词修饰语的名词短语的画法含有形容词修饰语的名词短语的画法 NPNP DetDetN N A AN N a little boya little boy 1. Indicate the category of each word in the following sentences. a) The old lady suddenly left. Det ANQualV b) The car stopped at the end of the road. Det NVP Det NPDet N c) The snowmight have blocked the road. Det NAuxAuxVDet N d) He never appears quite mature. NQualVDegA 2. The following phrases include a head, a complement, and a specifier. Draw the appropriate tree structure for each. a) full of people AP APN fullofpeople b) a story about a sentimental girl NP NPPP DetNPNP DetAN astoryabout a sentimental girl c) often read detective stories VP QualVNP AN oftenread detectivestories d) the argument against the proposals NP NPPP DetNPNP DetN theargument against theproposals e) move towards the window VP VPP PDetN movetowards thewindow 3. Draw phrase structure trees for each of the following sentences. a) The jet landed. InflP(=S) NPInflVP DetNPstV Thejetlanded b) Mary became very ill. InflP(=S) NPInflVP NPstVAP DegA Marybecameveryill c) What will you talk about? CP NPCS NInflNP InflVP VPNP VPN Whatwillyouetalk aboute d) The apple might hit the man. S NPVP DetNAuxVNP DetN Theapplemighthittheman OR InflP(=S) NPInflVP DetNVNP DetN Theapplemighthittheman e) He often reads detective stories. S NPVP NQualVNP AN Heoftenreads detectivestories OR InflP(=S) NPInflVP Pres NQualVNP AN Heoftenreads detectivestories 4. The following sentences contain modifiers of various types. For each sentence, first identify the modifier(s), then draw the tree structures. a) A frightened passenger landed the crippled airplane. InflP(=S) NPInflVP DetANPst VNP DetAN A frightened passenger landed the crippled airplane b) A huge moon hung in the black sky. InflP(=S) NPInflVP DetANPst VPP PNP DetAN Ahugemoonhungintheblacksky c) An unusual event occurred before the meeting. InflP(=S) NPInflVP DetANPst VPP PNP DetN Anunusual eventoccurred before themeeting d) An old house appeared on the grassy hill. InflP(=S) NPInflVP DetANPPst VPP ANPNP DetAN Anoldhouse appeared on thegrassyhill 5. The following sentences all contain conjoined categories. Draw a tree structure for each of the sentences. a) Jim has washed the dirty shirts and pants. InflP(=S) NPVP NAuxVNP DetANP NCONN Jimhaswashedthedirtyshirts andpants OR InflP(=S) NPVP NInflVNP DetANP NCONN Jimhaswashedthedirtyshirts andpants b) Helen put on her clothes and went out. S NPVP NVPCONVP VPNPVAdv VPDetN Helen putonher clothesandwentout OR InflP(=S) NPInflVP NPstVPCONVP VPNPVAdv VPDetN Helen putonher clothesandwentout c) Mary is fond of literature but tired of statistics. S NPVP NVPCONVP VPNPVPNP VAPNVAPN Mary isfond ofliteraturebut(is)tired of statistics OR InflP(=S) NPInflVP NPresVPCONVP VPNPVPNP VAPNVAPN Mary isfond ofliteraturebut(is)tired of statistics d) The detective went out and the mysterious man came in. S SCONS NPVPNPVP DetNVAdvDetANVAdv Thedetectivewe