Ref. : Language: :Eng/Chi Version:A0 1/5 PROCEDUREPROCEDURE :程序文件程序文件 Production Process ManagementProduction Process Management 生产过程管理程序生产过程管理程序 Page: Status: 关键词关键词 Key words:Key words: 生产过程管理生产过程管理 production process managementproduction process management 编写编写 AuthorAuthor 审核审核 Reviewers Reviewers 批准批准 Approval Approval 分发分发 DiffusionDiffusion 接收人接收人 Applicable toApplicable to 版本号版本号 VersionVersion A0 人事部人事部 HRHR 日期日期 DateDate 2010-01-18 品质部品质部 QAQA 姓名姓名 NameName 船务部船务部 SHSH 生产部生产部 PRO.PRO. 采购部采购部 PUR.PUR. 职位职位 PositionPosition 财务部财务部 FA.FA. 开发部开发部 PD.PD. 签名签名 SignSign 货仓部货仓部 WH.WH. 管代管代 M.R.M.R. 修订人修订人 ByBy / 总经理总经理 GMGM 日期日期 DateDate 修订描述修订描述 Modification descriptionModification description 无 目的目的 OBJECTIVEOBJECTIVE 范围范围 SCOPESCOPE 职责职责 RESPONSIBILITYRESPONSIBILITY 正文正文 PROCEDURAL ELEMENTSPROCEDURAL ELEMENTS 流程流程 FLOW CHARTFLOW CHART 任务描述任务描述 TASKS DESCRIPTIONTASKS DESCRIPTION 参考文件参考文件 REFERENCE DOCUMENTSREFERENCE DOCUMENTS 记录记录 RECORDSRECORDS 定义与缩写定义与缩写 DEFINITIONS/ ABBREVIATIONSDEFINITIONS/ ABBREVIATIONS 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Only the version available on the shared directory can be considered as valid. This document remains the confidentiality property of QF and is unauthorised for copyright. Ref. : Language: :Eng/Chi Version:A0 2/5 PROCEDUREPROCEDURE :程序文件程序文件 Production Process ManagementProduction Process Management 生产过程管理程序生产过程管理程序 Page: Status: ObjectiveObjective 目的目的 To define the regulations concerning production process 对生产工序实施规范化管理。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ScopeScope 范围范围 This procedure covers all the production line or work center 此程序适用于生产的所有生产线和工作组。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ResponsibilityResponsibility 职责职责 It is the responsibility of production to ensure that this procedure is properly followed. 生产部门负责确保此程序的有效实施。 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Only the version available on the shared directory can be considered as valid. This document remains the confidentiality property of QF and is unauthorised for copyright. Ref. : Language: :Eng/Chi Version:A0 3/5 PROCEDUREPROCEDURE :程序文件程序文件 Production Process ManagementProduction Process Management 生产过程管理程序生产过程管理程序 Page: Status: Procedural ElementsProcedural Elements 正文正文 Flow chart 流程流程 流程 Flow Chart 1 1 发出《生产通知单》 Production Sheet from shipment dept. 发出《物料用量表》 BOM from Shipment 责任人 Responsible 船务部 Shipment dept. 相关说明 Description 记录 Records _P