学习学习 phonicsphonics 的的 2929 个拼写规则介绍个拼写规则介绍 1 1、、Q Q Rule:Q Q is always followed byU U. U U is not a vowel here.(queen). 规则:Q Q 后面总是跟着 U U,U U 在这里不是元音。 (比如:queen) 。 2 2、、C C Rule: The letter C C usually says [k][k] (cat,cot, cut), but C C says [s][s] before e, i,e, i, or y y (ce-nt, ci-ty, cy-cle). 规则:C C 通常发音[k][k] (比如:cat, cot, cut),但是 C C 在 e, i, ye, i, y 前发 [s][s] 音。(比 如:ce-nt, ci-ty, cy-cle) 3 3、、G G Rule: The letter g g usually says [g][g] (gate,go, gust), but g g may say [d[dʒ ʒ] ] before e, i,e, i, or y y (page, giant, gym). The letters e e and i i following g g do not always make the g g say [d[dʒ ʒ] ] (get, girl, give) 规则:G G 通常发音[g][g],但是 G G 在 e, e, i, i, y y 前可能发音[d[dʒ ʒ] ]。e e 和 i i 不一定总是 让前面的 g g 发音[d[dʒ ʒ] ]。。 (比如:get, girl, give) 4 4、、A,E,O,UA,E,O,U Rule: A, E, O, UA, E, O, U usually say letter name at the end of a syllable(音节). 规则:A, E, O, UA, E, O, U 在音节尾通常发音字母音。 5 5、、I iː-] weird [wɪəd] foreign [ fɒ-rɪn] so-ve-reign [ sɒv-rɪn] forfeited [ fɔː-fɪt] leisure [ le-ʒə]. Neither[ˈnaɪ-ðə;ˈniː-ðə]heifer[ he-fə]seized[siːz]counterfeit [ kaʊntə-fɪt; -fiːt] protein[ prəʊ-tiːn]. 规则: ie ie:我们最常用 ie ie.(发音为[i:][i:],[ai][ai]时用 ie ie,表示后缀时也用 ie ie) ei ei:用 ei ei 有三种情况: 1.在 c c 后; 2.如果读[ei][ei](因为 ie 没有[ei]这个读音) ; 3.例外,这些词可以用以下两个句子: Either weird foreign sovereign forfeited leisure. Neither heifer seized counterfeit protein. 1010、、SHSH Rule: SHSH is used at the beginning of a word(she),at the end of a syllable/word (fish/fishes),but not at the beginning of any syllable after the first one(na-tion), except for the ending-shipship (friend-ship). 规则:SHSH 用在单词词首、在音节或单词尾,但不用在非第一音节的其他首位 (除了后缀-shipship) 1111、、TI, SI, CITI, SI, CI Rule 11-1: The ti,ti, si,si, ci ci say [ [ʃ ʃ] ] at the beginning of any syllable after the first one.(na-tion, man-sion, spe-cial) 规则 11-1:ti, si, citi, si, ci 用在非第一音节的其他首位,读[ [ʃ ʃ] ]。 Rule 11-2: The si si say [ [ʃ ʃ] ] when the preceding syllable ends withs s (ses-sion) and when the root word has an s s (manse/mansion).Only si si can say [ [ʒ ʒ] ] except for ti ti in “equa-tion[ɪ kweɪ-ʒ(ə)n]”(vision[ vɪʒ(ə)n]) 规则 11-2:前面的音节以 S S 结尾或者当根词以 s s 结尾,si si 读[ [ʃ ʃ] ],TI,TI, SI,SI, CI CI 中只 有 si si 可以读[ [ʒ ʒ] ](除了 equation 中的 ti ti) 1212、、ABBREVIATIONSABBREVIATIONS 缩写词缩写词+ m+ m Use a few letters to represent a larger word (Mr. =Mister, m=meter, CA=California). 1313、、CONTRACTIONSCONTRACTIONS 缩略词缩略词 Replace a letter (or letters) with a napostrophe to contract (or shorten) a phrase (I am=I’m). 1414、、Rule 1-1-1 suffixRule 1-1-1 suffix 后缀后缀 Rule: With a one-syllable word ending in one vowel then one consonant, double the last consonant before adding a vowel suffix (get, getting). 规则:以一个元音加一个辅音结尾的单音节单词,加以元音开头的后缀时, 双写最后一个辅音。 1515、、Rule 2-1-1 AccentRule 2-1-1 Accent 重音重音 Rule: With a two-syllable word ending in one vowel the one consonant, double the last consonant before adding a vowel suffix IF the accent is on the last syllable. (for-get, for-getting) 规则:以一个元音加一个辅音结尾的双音节或多音节词,加以元音开头的后 缀时,如果重音在最后一个音节,则双写辅音