阅读高频同义替换词大汇总 注 1:下面的等号不代表词义词性的完全相同,只是一种意思上的对应。 注 2:红色字体单词不常用,但是比较重要。 /财产:property = real estate = estate = asset /精确:precision = accuracy /创新:thinking ability = critical thinking = creative = innovation /认为合理:think proper = logical thinking /推理:reasoning = logical thought = thought /大众文化:popular culture = common culture /文化力:cultural power = assimilating power /阻止:prevent = hinder = refrain = deter /法官:judge = Justice /忧虑:apprehension = worry = anxiety = depression = gloomy = frustration /人:mind(有才智的人;精英) = people = individual /信心:faith = confidence = assertiveness /斥责:dismiss = rebuke = criticize /tap(开发):tap the market = explore the market = expand the market /处理:resolve = handle = tackle = deal with = cope with = dispose = address /繁荣:prosperous = flourish = boom /合并:merger and acquisition = consolidation = concentration /转变,转换:alter = change = trans = shift = switch = modify = convert = vary /替换:replace = substitute = displace = change /首位:predominance = primary = primitive = primacy /参加:attendance = join in = take part in = participate(participant 参与者) = be present at /强调:stress = highlight = emphasize = underline /增加:increase = rise = raise = boost = skyrocket = advance = progresmprove = grows = i = enhance = soar = develop /数据:data = statistics = figure /复杂:complicated = mixed = complex = perplex = intricate = sophisticated =confused /影响:impact = affect = influence /压力:stress = pressure = press = strain /政客:politician = statesman /特点:feature = characteristic = trait /改革:re = revolution /心情:mood = emotion = atmosphere /愤怒:rage = outrage = grievance = indignation /限制:limit = restrict = constrict = discipline = confine = hold back = scale back = curb on(遏制) /地位:status = rank /可用的:usable = available = applicable = leisure(空闲的) /偏见:bias = prejudice = discrimination = inequality /授予:grant = award /语言:verbally = language = words = lingual /交易:deal = trade = exchange = transaction /加强:promote = facilitate = enhance = strengthen = reinforce /保守:conservative(conservation 保存) = traditional =custom /顾客:customer = client = consumer = guest /暂停,延期:suspend = phase back = put off = postpone = delayed /信息:ination = message = data = figure = statistics /故意:deliberately = intentionally = purposely = on/in purpose /冷漠:indifferent = neutral(中立的) = carefree /吸引:appeal = attract = fascinate = tempt /作为:serve as = function as /对手:rival = equal = comparative = competitor = opponent = adversary /谨慎:prudent = cautious = discreet = scrupulous = wary = alert /标准:standard = level = criteria /地区:regions = scope = range = sphere(势力范围) /观察:perceive = observe 公平,公正:fair(fairness) = impartial = just = unbiased = disinterested /保护:protect = guard = safeguard = defend(defendant 辩护,被告) = shield /生产:yield = manufacturer = generate /脆弱:vulnerable = weak = feeble = fragile = susceptible /关于:concerning = in terms of = with respect to /主张:claim = proclaim = remark = advocate = allegation = comment / 部 分 , 成分: component = portion =element = proportion = percentage = ingr