Chapter1Chapter1Introduction to organizational behaviorIntroduction to organizational behavior ✓OrganizationalOrganizational Behavior:Behavior: The systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit within organizations ✓Systematic Study of Determinants of Employee Perance:Systematic Study of Determinants of Employee Perance: ➢Actions or Behaviors:Productivity, Absenteeism, Turnover , Organizational citizenship ➢Attitudes– Job Satisfaction: a. Possible link between satisfaction and productivity b.Satisfaction appears to be negatively related to absenteeism and productivity c.Humanistic responsibility to provide employees with challenging, intrinsically rewarding, and satisfying job ✓Organization:Organization:a.Consciously coordinated social unit b.Composed of two or more people c.Functions to achieve a common goal or set of goals d.al roles define and shape the behavior of its members ✓OB Encompasses Behavior in Diverse Organizations: Manufacturing:OB Encompasses Behavior in Diverse Organizations: Manufacturing: Service firmsSchoolsHospitalsChurchesMilitary unitsCharitable organizations Local, state, and federal government agencies ✓Contributing Disciplines(Level of Analysis):Contributing Disciplines(Level of Analysis): ➢Micro (individual):Psychology ➢Macro (group processes and organization) :Sociology, Social Psychology, Anthropology, Political Science ✓Toward an OB discipline P4 1.1Toward an OB discipline P4 1.1 ✓Goals of Organizational Behavior:Goals of Organizational Behavior:explanation, prediction, control ✓Challenges and Opportunities:Challenges and Opportunities:a.Increasing age of typical worker b.More women and minorities in the workplace c.Requirements to meet global competition d.Severed loyalty bonds between employees and employers ✓What is Quality Management?What is Quality Management? ➢Intense focus on customer Outsiders-- purchasers of products and services Insiders-- interact with and serve others in the organization ➢Concern for continual improvement Commitment to never be satisfied “Very good” is not good enough Quality can always be improved ➢Improvement in quality of everything the organization does “Quality” applies not only to the final product, but to How organization handles deliveries How rapidly it responds to complaints How politely the phones are answered ➢Accurate measurement Uses statistical techniques to measure every critical perance variable in operations ➢Empowerment of employees Involves people on the line in the improvement process Teams are widely used as empowerment vehicles for finding and solving problems ✓A Managerial PerspectiveA Managerial Perspective::a. Improving People Skillsb. Managing Work Force Diversity c. Responding to Globalizationd. Empowering Peoplee.Stimulating Innovation and Changef. Coping with “Temporariness”g. Helping Employee Balance Work-Life Conflictsh. Declining Employee Loyaltyi. Improving Ethical Behavior ✓Levels of OB Analysis:Levels of OB