必修二 Module 1 dietn. vi. fatn. fitadj. flun. rareadj. toothachen. unhealthyadj. wealthyadj. rarelyadv. proverbn. anxiousadj. captainn. injurevt. injuryn. painn. painfuladj. normaladj. lifestylen. headvi. eyevt. overweightadj. lungn. throatn. breathevi. pneumonian. prescriptionn. symptomn. X-rayn. awfuladj. insurancen. questionnairen. 1 Module 2 drugn. bronchitisn cancern. cigaretten. tobaccon. addictiveadj. cannabisn. cocainen. dangern. addictn. injectvt. needlen. powerfuladj. reducevt. nearbyadj. burglaryn. crimen. criminaln. connectionn. illegaladj. ration. shopliftingn. treatmentn. likelyadj. adultn. cafen. disagreevi. banvt. horribleadj. affectvt. participantn. recognizevt. leafletn. distractionn. joggingn. gymnasticadj. 2 Module 3 audiencen. choirn. classicaln. composern. conductorn. jazzn. musiciann. orchestran. saxophonen. courtn. directorn. geniusn. losevt. musicaladj. peasantn. symphonyn. talentn. Austrian. Austrianadj. princen. composevt. tourvt. albumn. balladn. bandn. catchyadj. complexadj. influencevt. lyricsn. soloadj. tunen. recordvt. lecturern. mixvt. 3 Module 4 liken. disliken. artistn. colorfuladj. contemporaryadj. delightfuladj. drawingn. paintvt. paintern. paintingn. scenen. traditionaladj. aliveadj. aspectn. imitatevt. observevt. realityn. stylen. adoptvt. aimvi. standvt. unusualadj. exhibitionn. expressionn. landscapen. portraitn. realizevt. realisticadj. watercolorn. destroyvt. 4 Module 5 headlinen. photographn. celebrityn. economyn. politicsn. photographern. cosmonautn. navigatorn. taikonautn. universen. sailorn. orbitn. vt. capsulen. flightn. congratulationn. aboardadv. welcomevt. historicaladj. achievementn. replacevt. alienn. amateuradj. astronomern. autographn. delightedadj. fann. spaceshipn. telescopen. actorn. backstageadv. partn. politiciann. beliefn. disbeliefn. evidencen. culturaladj. financialadj. reviewn. royaladj. foundvt. producevt. 5 Module 6 postern. thrillern. comedyn. swordn. tellyn. draman. plotn. settingn. sharkn. actressn. charactern. femaleadj. maleadj. masterpiecen. fiancén. rooftopn. leapvi. gracefuladj. interestvt. braveadj. movingadj. occasionallyadv. adn. arguevi. channeln. entertainingadj. section 6 n. Phrases be connected with take rcise be crazy about have a temperature lie down begin with put… into… become ill related to break into belong to become addicted to take one’s advice in order to so as to give up be impressed with split up make a note of be/get tired of be fond of tell by put off take turns a series of in total now that believe in be similar to come out fall in love with be in love with play a part to one’s surprise in surprise care about every now and then at the age of 7