毕业设计宿舍管理系统的 设计与实现 Newly compiled on November 23, 2020 河河 南南 科科 技技 学学 院院 2016 2016 届本科毕业论文(设计)届本科毕业论文(设计) 论文(设计)题目:大学生宿舍管理系统的论文(设计)题目:大学生宿舍管理系统的 设计与实现设计与实现 学生姓名:学生姓名: xxxxx xxxxx 所在院系:所在院系: 信息工程学院信息工程学院 所学专业:所学专业: 计算机科学与技术计算机科学与技术 导师姓名:导师姓名:冯洪玉冯洪玉 完完成成时时间间::2016-05-082016-05-08 大学生宿舍管理系统的设计与实现大学生宿舍管理系统的设计与实现 摘要摘要 宿舍管理系统最初的管理方式是采用人工的方式,而这种方式费时、费宿舍管理系统最初的管理方式是采用人工的方式,而这种方式费时、费 力、效果不佳,效率极低,容易出现错误(学生有名字重复的),随着计算机力、效果不佳,效率极低,容易出现错误(学生有名字重复的),随着计算机 的飞速发展,各大高校都采用宿舍管理系统来管理学生。本学生管理系统主要的飞速发展,各大高校都采用宿舍管理系统来管理学生。本学生管理系统主要 包括两部分:前台用户界面的开发和后台数据库的开发,前台管理主要有系统包括两部分:前台用户界面的开发和后台数据库的开发,前台管理主要有系统 管理、宿舍信息、学生入住、卫生检查、水电收费、房屋保修、外来人员登管理、宿舍信息、学生入住、卫生检查、水电收费、房屋保修、外来人员登 记、附加等模块。学生宿舍管理系统采用记、附加等模块。学生宿舍管理系统采用 C#C#为开发工具,用为开发工具,用 Microsoft SQLMicrosoft SQL ServerServer 作为数据库开发工具。通过对数据库操作,来完成前台数据的增删改作为数据库开发工具。通过对数据库操作,来完成前台数据的增删改 查,经测试本系统实现了宿舍管理的基本功能,本系统实现了数据库备份和恢查,经测试本系统实现了宿舍管理的基本功能,本系统实现了数据库备份和恢 复,还能保存成复,还能保存成 ExcelExcel 表格。表格。 关键词关键词: :宿舍管理,数据库,宿舍管理,数据库,C#C# THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF UNIVERSITYTHE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF UNIVERSITY STUDENT DORMITORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSTUDENT DORMITORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ABSTRACTABSTRACT Dormitory management systemDormitory management system initial management is the use of initial management is the use of artificial way, and this way time-consuming, laborious, ineffective,artificial way, and this way time-consuming, laborious, ineffective, inefficient, error-prone (students have duplicate names), with theinefficient, error-prone (students have duplicate names), with the rapid development of computers, major colleges and universitiesrapid development of computers, major colleges and universities dormitory management systems are been used to manage student. Thedormitory management systems are been used to manage student. The student management system mainly consists of two parts: development,student management system mainly consists of two parts: development, front desk management frontend user interface development and back-front desk management frontend user interface development and back- end database of the main system management, dormitory ination,end database of the main system management, dormitory ination, the students stay, health inspection, water and electricity charges,the students stay, health inspection, water and electricity charges, Home warranty, migrant workers registration, additional modules.Home warranty, migrant workers registration, additional modules. Dormitory management system using C# development tools, withDormitory management system using C# development tools, with Microsoft SQL Server as a database development tool. By operation ofMicrosoft SQL Server as a database development tool. By operation of the database, to complete the additions and deletions to changethe database, to complete the additions and deletions to change search reception of data, tested the system to achieve the basicsearch reception of data, tested the system to achieve the basic functions of the dormitory management system