Animal Testing Animal Testing is a hotly debated topic in our society.Animaltestingusesanimalsand organisms as a test subject and are exposed to clinical trials before conducting human trials. Scientistsusethemtodeterminethe effectiveness of a drug or other products and see any side effects. There are two groups of people,onewhichstronglysupportsthis measure, from a medical point of view, and the other, which doesn’t. Long and Short Essays on Animal Testing for Students and Kids in English We provide children and students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short piece of 150 words on the topic “Animal Testing” for reference. Long Essay on Animal Testing 500 Words in English Long Essay on Animal Testing is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Before implementingit onhumans, animal testing is testing newly developed products and drugs on animals for the test. Many well-known brands still use animal testing, like Johnson and Johnson, Colgate, etc. Companies like these use their products on animals before selling them in the market. Organizations have come up to prevent such behavior like People for Ethical Treatment of Animals or PETA. They discourage the practice of animal testing and animal cruelty. They also expose such actions if they see such action. Though it is a debatable topic, it is best not to test on innocent animals. It is unethical to make animals the recipients of harmful drugs and chemicals only because they cannot protest. Testing includes brutal treatment likewater deprivation,starvation,force-feedingof unhealthyandnon-ediblesubstances,pain stimulation, and other such heinous treatment. Animals have no choice but to endure the pain and slow death. It is nothing less than torture. People use animals, and when they are too damaged, they are ‘put down’ or killed. There are animal laws or rights, and they should include the law that protects them from such treatment. Animals should have legal rights too. We should not forget that we are a part of the living organism and so are animals. It is an unacceptable practice to use animals solelyforourbenefit.Manyanimalrights activists strongly protest this practice. All life was born equally, and we should treat all life with the same respect as any human deserves. Apartfromthis,animalresearchisquite extensive and expensive. A large sum of funds goes to animal experiments, which are deemed to be quite useful. Though much of it is wasted since there is data repetition, some experiments yield no results. It is ironic to spend money on torturing animals where millions still go to bed hungry. Animal testing is undoubtedly cruel and unethical. Even if some experiments yield fruitful results, where is the guarantee that it will hold for human beings? Even if an experiment is successful, how many animals will have died of starvation and torture for it? Is it worth it? Vivisection, for example, is a type of which involves burning, dissecting, and inflicting deep wou