词语的选择直接关系到句子的优劣,也势必关系到整篇 文章的质量,因此,在写作中对于词汇的要求不仅仅是了解 其基本含义,还要能够把恰当的词语用到恰当的地方,应该 做到“名词使用得准确,形容词使用得简洁,动词使用得生 动;连接词使用得恰当” 。 一、选用具体的词 和一般含义的词汇相比,具体词汇能够使语言表达更加 准确、形象和生动。比如,good food 和 tasty, delicious, fresh food 相比,显然,后面的具体词汇更富有表现力。 但是,很多考生受汉语表达习惯的影响,很少使用具体 的词汇表达复杂的概念,这就更容易暴露出考生对语言驾驭 能力不够。因此,考生在进行写作训练时,要有意识的选用 比较具体的词汇,增强语言的表现力,为文章增加亮点。 如:原句:No one saw the bank being broken into. 优化:No one witnessed the bank being broken into. 二、恰当的使用限定词 限定词的使用能使论述更加客观、适度,避免观点的绝 对化,提高说服力和可信度。 写 作 中 常 见 的 限 定 词 有 : may, maybe, perhaps, probably, mainly, generally, commonly, personally, comparatively typically, usually, sometimes, often, most, mostly, nearly, almost, not necessarily, in general, at least, at most, may as well, if possible, had better, to some extent, to some degree, more often than not, for the most part. 如:原句:I don’t agree with the first argument. 优化:I don’t agree with the first argument to some extent. 原句:The first appearance will determine the applicant’s fate. 优化:The first appearance more often than not will determine the applicant’s fate. 三、注意区分近义词 由于英语此意范围非常广泛,即便是近义词或同义词也 只是某种程度上的近似,不可能在意义上完全对等,这就需 要考生在选词时斟酌其含义的微妙差别,辨析同义词在语境 中的不同用法。 如:原句: So there arises the problemproblem: Will electronic books replace traditional books? (指“实际存在的问题” 或“需要解决得现实问题” ,不符合此处语境) 优化:So there arises the questionquestion: Will electronic books replace traditional books? 原句:After a good dinner together, all the guests relaxed and became quite carelesscareless. (指“漫不经心的 , 粗心的”) 优化:After a good dinner together, all the guests relaxed and became quite familiar familiar. (指“随便的,熟悉 的”) 四、学会使用动态动词 动态动词往往比 be, there be, make need 等静态动词 更有活力,可以达到更好的写作效果。 如:原句:Please try our best to help this girl, help her to pass the most difficult period in life, and makemake her financial burden less and lessless and less. 优化:Please try our best to help this girl, help her to pass the most difficult period in life, and relieverelieve her financial burden. 原句:Each day, we can see therethere areare a lot of foods in the garbage cans. 优化:Each day, we can see many students dumpdump foods in the garbage cans. 五、学会使用不同的词性 很多考生受汉语思维的影响,经常完全依据汉语的词性 对译英文,导致造出来的句子十分生硬死板。因此,考生在 平时训练时一定要注意摆脱汉语思维的束缚,学会根据具体 的语境活用不同的词类,这样才能写出地道生动的句子。 如:原句:After we have observed observed them carefully carefully and analyzedanalyzedthemcriticallycritically,wemayidentifythe conceptions that will actually contribute to social development. 优化:Through carefulcareful observationobservation andand criticalcritical analysisanalysis, we may identify the conceptions that will actually contribute to social development. 原 句 : Environmentalpollutionwillmakeit impossibleimpossible for human beings to survive on the earth. 优化:Environmental pollution will deprive human beings of the possibilitiespossibilities to survive on the earth. 六.学会使用介词短语 英语中有很多介词短语都具有动词的特征,适合表达抽 象的含义。学会使用这些介词短语不但可以丰富文章的用 词,而且能够增强文章的表现力。另外,我们经常可以用介 词短语代替从句,从而使文章表达更加简洁有力。 如:原句:His family obviously cannot affordcannot afford the big sum of money for such an operation. 优化:T