英语中的句法结构歧义—三谈歧义是自然语言中的普遍现象英语中的句法结构歧义—三谈歧义是自然语言中的普遍现象 英语中的歧义不仅存在于词义和词类中,而且也存在于句法结构中。 如果一个语法可以把一个以上的剖析指派给同一个句子,那么,我们就说,这个 句子具有结构歧义。在上面的图中,为我们似乎看到了一排大帆船,又似乎看到 了一连串的桥洞,又似乎看到了一排牙齿,它们的结构各异,究竟是什么,使我 们感到迷惘,这就是结构歧义。 英语中主要有三种结构歧义:附着歧义(attachment ambiguity),并列歧义 (coordination ambiguity)和名词短语括号歧义(noun-phrase bracketing ambiguity)。此外,还有其他类型的结构歧义,我们在这里也做简单的介绍。 ————附着歧义(附着歧义(Attachment ambiguityAttachment ambiguity)) a)a) PPPP 附着歧义(附着歧义(PP attachment ambiguityPP attachment ambiguity)) 介词短语(Preposition Phrase,简称PP,可能做句子中动词短语的修饰语,又可 能做名词短语的修饰语,造成 PP 附着歧义。例如,如果我们有英语句子“They made a report about the ship”和“On the ship, they made a report”,这两个句子是没 有歧义的, 但是, 如果我们把它们改写成句子“They made a report on the ship”, “on the ship”这个 PP 可以修饰动词 made,也可以修饰名词 report,就产生了 PP 附着 歧义。我们可以把这种 PP 附着歧义写为如下形式: 1) They made a report about the ship. On the ship, they made a report. -They made a report on the ship. 另外的例子还有: 2) They made a decision concerning the boat. On the boat, they made a decision. - They made a decision on the boat. 3)He drove the car which was near the post office. Near the post office, he drove the car. - He drove the car near the post office. 4) They are walking around the lake which is situated in the park. In the park, they are walking around the lake. - They are walking around the lake in the park. 5) He shot at the man who was with a gun. With a gun, he shot at the man. - He shot at the man with a gun. 6) The policeman arrested the thief who was in the room. In the room, the policeman arrested the thief. - The policeman arrested the thief in the room. Church and Patil (1982)证明了,在带多个介词短语 PP 的名词短语中,名词短语 剖析结果的歧义的数量随着介词短语 PP 的数量的增加而增加,其增加速率与算 术表达式的插入数(number of parenthesization)相同。这个插入问题是按照 Catalan 数(Catalan number)以指数增长的。 b)b) 动名词附着歧义(动名词附着歧义(Gerundive attachment ambiguityGerundive attachment ambiguity)) 英语句子中的动名词可能修饰中心动词,作为动词的状语,也可能作为动词宾语 从句中的谓语,从而引起结构歧义。 例如。在句子“We saw the Eiffel tower flying to Paris”“We saw the Eiffel tower flying to Paris”中,动名词短语“flying to Paris”可能修饰动词“saw”,作为“saw”的状语,句子的意思是“我们飞到巴黎时看 到了埃菲尔铁塔”;但是,“flying to Paris”也可能作为动词“saw”的从句“the Eiffel tower flying to Paris”中的谓语,句子的意思是“我们看到埃菲尔铁塔正向巴黎飞 来”。当然,后面这种情况只在神话世界或者童话世界中才可能发生。 另外的例子还有: 2) I saw that a boy was swimming in the river. I saw a boy who was swimming in the river. I saw a boy while I was swimming in the river. - I saw a boy swimming in the river. 3) I noticed that the man was smoking in the corridor. I noticed the man who was smoking in the corridor. I noticed the man while smoking in the corridor. - I noticed the man smoking in the corridor. c) c) 局部歧义(局部歧义(local ambiguitylocal ambiguity)) 如果整个的句子是没有歧义的, 但是这个句子中的某些部分在剖析过程中可能是 有歧义的,这时,就会发生局部歧义。 例如,句子 “book that flight”是没有歧义的,但是,在剖析过程中,当剖析程序 扫描到单词 “book”的时候,可能辨不清这个 book 是动词还是名词,在这种情况 下,就应该采用回溯(backtracking)或者并行分析(parallelism)的办法,同时 考虑到两种可能的剖析。“book”实际上是一个兼类词,如果我们在形态分析的时 候,就进行了兼类词“book”的歧义消解,就可以大大减少这样的局部歧义问题。 ————并列歧义(并列歧义(Coordination ambiguityCoordination ambiguity)) 并列歧义是由 and 引起的歧义。 下面是并列歧义的例子,箭头后面的句子是有并列歧义的: 1) She looks care of old men and old wo