读后续写场景类句子积累 自然场景 1.夜幕降临 darkness fell 2.天气寒冷 The day was bitterly cold 3.天空蔚蓝,阳光明媚 The sky was blue and the sun was shining 4.大雨倾盆而下 It was pouring really hard 5.皓月当空 The moon was shining brightly in the sky 6.天空繁星密布 The sky was dotted with stars 7.云散开了,太阳出来了 The clouds parted and the sun shone 8. 山丘沐浴在阳光下 9. The hills were bathed in the sunshine 10. 风越来越大,天空开始乌云密布 The wind was getting up and it was becoming cloudy 11.浓雾笼罩着整个大地 The thick fog blanketed the field 12.夜里一点声音都没有,只有萤火虫还醒着,小心翼翼的在夜空里织着一幅画 . There s not a single sound at night.Only the glowworms were still awake,carefully weaving a picture in the night sky. 13.不远处有一条小溪,在绿油油的两岸间潺潺流动。 14.晴空万里,火热的太阳晒得我后背发烫 Blue sky stood tall and far,and the sun was searing my back. 15.阳光下河面波光粼粼. The river glitters in the sunshine. 16.月亮在天空中好像一盏夜灯,闪烁的星好奇地眨着眼睛 Like a lamp,the moon shone from above.The stars twinkled their eyes with curiosity. 社会场景 1.整个教室一片安静 Silence spread across the classroom 2.整个教室安静了下来 Silence fell in the classroom 3.这是在学校的最后一天,整个班级非常难过 It was the last day of school.The whole class was enveloped In sadness. 4.老师讲完故事后,教室里爆发出阵阵掌声.The teacher having finished the story,claps burst out from the classroom. 5.同学们争前恐后地发言 All the students were trying to get a word in. 6.他尴尬得涨红了脸 His face ed with embarrassment. 情绪类句子翻译练习 1 听到这个消息,她陷入极度的悲伤之中 Hearing the news, she fell into deep sorrow 2 他一看到熟悉的字迹,便热泪盈眶At the sight of the familiar handwriting,tears welled up in his eyes 3 看到信的结尾,她再也抑制不住内心的悲伤,潸然泪下 Seeing the ending of the letter,she could not contain her sorrow and tears rolled down her cheeks 4 一想到这个,她嘴角露出了久违的笑容 At the thought of this ,there s a long- expected smile across her lips 5 一走进屋里,他的心就沉了下去 His heart sank when stepping into the room 6 在回家的路上,爸爸紧紧地拉着我,眉头紧皱 On our way back home,my father held me tightly,wearing a big frown 7 难过但不恐惧,他决定要改变这一切 Heartbroken but fearless,he decided to turn everything around 8 我笑了,回想起这学期开始那个尴尬的一刻 I smiled and flashed back to the embarrassing moment at the beginning of the term、 9 当他意识到父亲为他付出了多少爱的时候,一股暖流涌上心头 A warm current welled up in his heart the moment he realized how much love his father had devoted to him 10 他身心俱疲 He was physically and mentally exhausted 11 旁观的人们欢呼起来,她开始喜极而泣 The on-looking crowd cheered and she began to shed tears of joy 12 他回到房间,眼泪不由自主地流了下来 He returned to his room,tears rolling down beyond control 13 他羞愧难当,满脸通红,趁人不注意溜了出去 His face flaming with shame ,he stole out without being noticed 14 突然,他羞愧得哑口无言 Shame suddenly silenced him 15 当她得知自己被录取的消息时,她无法掩饰内心的兴奋之情 Heard of her admission, she could not conceal her excitement 16 他感到很激动,立刻拿出手机,迫不及待地告诉他的朋友这次经历 He was so excited that he immediately took out his cell phone and couldn t wait to tell his friend about the experience 或者 Feeling excited,he instantly took out his phone,eager to tell his friends the experience. 17 当他认真倾听时,一股悲伤涌上心头 A surge of sadness welled up as he listened attentively.或者 As he listened carefully, a sadness poured into his mind 18 我安静快乐耐心地看着太阳描绘出崭新的一天 I was quietly,joyfully