《高级英语》课程考试大纲 一、考试大纲的性质 高级英语是一门必修课,也是一门综合性课程,它与基础英语性质相同。高级英语属于英语专 业高年级阶段课程。它是基础阶段的综合英语课程在高层次上的延续。高级英语是一门训练学生综合 英语技能尤英是阅读理解、语法修辞与写作能力的课程。通过阅读和分析内容广泛的材料, 包括涉及 政治、经济、社会、语言、文学、教育、哲学、法律、宗教及口然科学等方而的名家作品,扩人学生 的知识而,加深学生对社会和人生的理解,培养学生对名篇的分析和理解能力、逻辑思维能力与独立 思考的能力,增强对文化差异的敏感性,巩固和提高学生英语语言技能。每课后都配有大量的相关练 习,包括阅读理解、诃汇研究、问题分析、中英互译和写作练习等。通过该课程的学习,使学牛的 英语水平在质量上有较大的提高。它与英语阅读课、外刊选读、英语写作、翻译、口语、听力同属专 业技能课。具宗旨是捉高学牛的阅读理解能力、写作欣赏和翻译能力,为英美文学、语言学和英美国 家概况等专业知识课程学习提供技能,并且鼓励学生课示广泛 地有针对性地阅读,扩大知识面。 本大纲是依据《高等学校英语专业高年级英语教学大纲》的要求,以全面提高学生的综合能 力, 适用于我系外语专业高年级学生。 二、考试内容 Lesson 1 The Middle Eastern Bazaar Key Points: 1 .historical present tense 2. words and phrases bazaar, tinkling, conceivable, vigorously, penetrate, sepulchral ,as far as the eye can see, follow suit, old—aged, muted一silent. gild, persecution, bargain, preliminary, yield, deal in, the order of the day, narrow down, beat down, a point of honor, make a point of, at interval. picturesque, burnished, innumerable, apprentices, impinge on, hammer away at, take a hand, attach to. intricate, functional, profusion, pungent, exotic, sumptuous, mosque,caravansarai, disdainful, here and there ・ 3. Effective Writing Skills 1 ・ making effective use of specific verbs 2. using adjectives accurately 3. using five human senses■一hearing, smelling, seeing, tasting and touching to make the description vivid 4. using rhetorical devices properly 4. Rhetorical Devices 1. simile 2. metaphor 3. assonance 4. onomatopoeia 5.Special Difficulties 1 ・ paraphrasing some sentences 2. translating some paragraphs 3・ identifying figures of speech Lesson 2 HiroshimaLesson 2 Hiroshima——the “Liveliest“ City in Japanthe “Liveliest“ City in Japan Key Points: 1 • words and phrases stationmaster, assignment, preoccupation, ritual, ula, facade, grocery, a lump in one s throat, step on this soil, rub shoulder with, bob up and down, be oblivious of,must be -be, slip-slide-glide, rhetorical question grin, lurch, martyred, ride, scrccch, destination, pop open, at the sight of, rcar-vicw mirror, in response to, flash by, loss of face, intermezzo, gigantic, heave, sketch, embankment, moor, arresting, adrift, incessant, kimono, miniskirt, stunning, tread, matting, twinge, find oneself, thanks to, a sort of, porcelain-faced, at the prospect of. cautiously—carefully, agony, inhabited, spinal column, flexible, agitated, renown, sad-eyed, thousand upon thousand, linger on, familiar to\with, site-scene, slay ——kill, parallel, anti-climax, assent, reverie, heinous, impact, cataclysm, school, preserve, trace, erect, demolish be about to, sink in, jolt out of, in praise of, back away, head toward, eye-glass, at the point of, march on. aldehyde, ether, stretcher, spare, suicide, genetic, radiation, encounter, earthly, improve, read, smell of, nickel-plated, send down, by trade, turn to, fell sick, as a result of, on the part of, in the open air, tear into. 2. Effective Writing Skills 1. accurately recording the dialogues with some Japanese to reinforce the authenticity o