Test Pattern F=Q(E+vF=Q(E+vx xB) or dF=(B) or dF=( E+JE+Jx xB)dB)d D=D= E+P and H=B/E+P and H=B/ -M-M D=D= r r E; H=B/(E; H=B/( r r ); J=); J= (E+e)(E+e) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Cartridge Type: Count: Date: Tested By: 精选文库 Rogm hgj imfnmfel rszdj a.lllll.n iE allh wurmllda poNaubco Rogm hgi imFnmfel rszdj a.lllll.n iE allh wurmllda poNaubco Test Pattern To Our Customers: Our primary concern is to provide you with the most reliable Xerox manufactured Cartridges producing the best possible print quality. In order to determine if you are actually getting good print quality, we conduct these periodic random surveys. They also show us the effectiveness of our numerous product improvement programs in providing you better remanufactured laser toner cartridge perance. We conduct many of these surveys with Xerox customers. However, these mail surveys are needed to give true nationwide coverage. Would you please help us by taking a few minutes of your time to read and follow the enclosed instructions. The survey has been designed to require a minimum of your time and effort. This letter will be used as the print quality test pattern; a questionaire and self addressed return envelope are enclosed. We are asking you to rate the print so we can be sure our standard of measurement is compatible with the way you judge prints. This will help us to determine if we are meeting your needs. Please record below date and time prints are made. Sincerely, Xerox Corporation Quality Department Enclosures Date: ______________________ Time of Day: _________________ --2 精选文库 Test Print --3 精选文库 Test Print --4 精选文库 Test Print --5 精选文库 G GG GG GG GG GG GG GG G 100%80%60%40%20%10%5%0% G GG GG GG GG GG GG GG G --6 精选文库 Imaged on an HP . Printer 1010 1 1 1212 1212 4 4 6161 Pie Chart TestsPie Chart Tests Printed on High Quality 80gsm Laser Printer PaperPrinted on High Quality 80gsm Laser Printer Paper --7