SBS APP改性沥青防水卷材与沥青复合胎柔性防
弥散性血管内凝血 Chapter 11 中山医学院病理生理教研 邓宇斌 DIC 一、DIC原因和发病机制 二、促进DIC发生发展的因素(诱发困素) 三、DIC的分期和分型 四、DIC的功能代谢变化(病理生理变化) 防治的病理生理基DI五、. 第一节概述 血液的凝固与抗凝1. 流动性 血液运输载体 方向性 内(Ⅻ) 凝血系统 凝血 外(Ⅲ) 释 聚 粘 : 血小板 → 栓塞凝↑/抗凝↓ 失衡 → 出血倾向 凝↓/抗凝↑ 2.DIC的概念 出血 病因 微血栓 后 休克 致凝 继发纤溶亢进 果 栓塞 溶血 种病:感染、肿瘤、产科意外120> Introduction DIC is characterized by the activation of the coagulation system with resultant consumption of a variety of coagulation proteins and platelets, which results in hemorrhagic diathesis and ischemic injury to various tissues. 1.Blood Coagulation It is propagated by an enzymatic events termed coagulation cascade. Contact factors and the intrinsic pathway Tissue factor and extrinsic pathway 2.Fibrinolysis It is the result of the action of plasmin, a proteolytic enzyme produced from an inert plasma precursor (plasminogen) by the action of various substances termed plasminogen activators. ?Humoral plasminogen activators ?Tissue plasminogen activators ?Fibrin or fibrinogen degradation products FDP (Significant biological activity) ?Fragments X, Y and E (potent antithrombins) ?Fragments Y and D ( inhibit fibrin polymerization) a ⅡⅢa Ⅱa PC APC TM+Ⅱ 灭 活 PS(+) C4b C4b PS(-) 酶 纤溶 FDP 酶 AT PC APC TMa 凝 PS PGI 2 VEC TM