此文档是毕业设计外文翻译成品( 含英文原文+中文翻译),无需调整复杂的格式!下载之后直接可用,方便快捷!本文价格不贵,也就几十块钱!一辈子也就一次的事! 外文标题:THE EFFECT OF COMPENSATION ON SATISFACTION AND EMPLOYEE PERANCE 外文作者:Prayoga Setia Darma,Achmad Sani Supriyanto 文献出处: Management and Economics Journal,Volume1, Issue 1, December 2019 (如觉得年份太老,可改为近2年,毕竟很多毕业生都这样做) 英文3309单词,23108字符(字符就是印刷符),中文5704汉字。(如果字数多了,可自行删减,大多数学校都是要求选取外文的一部分内容进行翻译的。) THE EFFECT OF COMPENSATION ON SATISFACTION AND EMPLOYEE PERANCE ABSTRACT: The globalization era requires employees to have good perance and results. Therefore, many companies implement compensation system. Effective compensation is expected to add value to employee’s satisfaction to stimulate employees to always work better. This research aim is to determine the effect of compensation on employee satisfaction and employee perance and employee satisfaction to mediate the effect of compensation on employee perance. The research objects are employees of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia. The data is collected by questionnaires and analyzed by SmartPLS version 2.0M3 software. The results show that compensation affects on employee satisfaction and employee perance at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia. Employee satisfaction can mediate the effect of compensation on employee perance. It can be concluded that compensation at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, has been classified as good and can improve employee satisfaction and employee perance. Keywords: Compensation, Satisfaction, Employee Perance. INTRODUCTION Globalization requires a person to always keep up with times, starting from thoughts and knowledge to generate some useful new inventions to facilitate human to do some work, especially in a company. Increased business competition due to rapid technological and environmental changes makes a company must have strength competitiveness. The old paradigm of human resources places employees as an asset to company, but now there has been a growing new paradigm that employees are partners for a company. Human resource management has a very strategic position for company sustainability. This is because inadequate basic materials such as perance, motivation, and job satisfaction and productivity will cause disruption to company s life sustainability. The main driving factor for company good development is qualified human resources to encourage the company better. Compensation is one factor to affect job satisfaction of an employee. Sirait (2006) defines compensation as something received by an employee, either financial or non money reward for employee s contribution to organization. Compensation management is a very important activity to make employees quite satisfied in their work. Compensation is defined as the ability and responsibility of a company to contribute to its employees for their achievement of task and to appreciate their perance. Each organization should strive to improve employee satisfaction by providing a fair and com