广中医研究生英语整理(广中医研究生英语整理(20182018 期末考试)期末考试) 口语词汇测试口语词汇测试 herbology territory ceaselessly remote ancestor flavor toxicitytoxicity virus infection Heart Attack bruise Check-up Dose operation Pain-killer tranquilizertranquilizer ascribe anatomicanatomic physiological abdomen epilepsyepilepsy insomnia agitationagitation engenderengender circulation deficiency excess pathology supercede addiction phobiaphobia observe recognize scan Gaze examine Mental breakdown herb area continuously Far away A person who lived long taste poisonous causes infectious disease infect Damage to the heart Injury that leave a mark A physical exam The amount of medicien A medical procedure A drug or treatment Caused by something Human or animal body Bodily functions Below the chest and above the hips lose consciousness Unable to sleep Worry and anxiety to make a feeling or situation exist The movement of something A lack of somthing Too much of something disease Take the place Unable to stop a strong unreasonable fear of something watch See and know Look over Stare at Look closely Loss of mental and emotional health restraint suppression inhibitioninhibition AntagonismAntagonism simmer equivalent acridacrid Bland AromaticAromatic revive sort Sift scrape peel bleach Mutual accentuation 相须 Mutual enhancement 相使 Mutual counteraction相畏 Mutual suppression相杀 Mutual antagonism相侮 Crash dietCrash diet Cut out Cut down on vegetarian vegan raw Stop from Prevent from doing Restrict or prevent Hatred or opposition Boil slowly at a low temperature Equal Strong and bitter smell Not having a strong taste Pleasant odor conscious or healthy and strong again Arrange thing in groups sieve/sifte remove Take the skin off Make something white Mutual incompatibility相反 中医基础中医基础 Unit 1Unit 1 AntiquityAntiquity bruise salivasaliva extract lodge massagemassage ancient a purple or brown mark liquid Pull or take out become firmly stuck Rub and press n n vt vi n n vt n vt vi n vt splintsplint venomousvenomous feudal anthropologyanthropology psychologypsychology viscera meridian physiologyphysiology pathology augment elaboration distil monograph sphygmologysphygmology indispensable acupuncture moxibustion etiologyetiology pathological pharmacologypharmacology therapeutic ulaula gynecologygynecology obstetricsobstetrics postulate purgation tonification diagnosisdiagnosis exogenousexogenous contagiouscontagious annotate trove treatise longevitylongevity synthesis culminationculmination complementary alternative remedyremedy practitionerpractitioner effectivenesseffectiveness licensure coordinatecoordinate A long piece of wood venom human race mind normal function very complicated and detailed a detailed written study pulse cause of disease drug list women birth of children pure purify Discover and identify outside can be transmitted treasure writing on a particular subject long life made by combining different things the highest point combination Instead of treatment professional doctor effective perm