精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 一、应力与强度条件 精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 1、 拉压 2、 剪切 挤压 3、 圆轴扭转 4、 平面弯曲① ② ③ 精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 斜弯曲 6、拉(压)弯组合 注意:“5”与“6”两式仅供参考 7、圆轴弯扭组合:①第三强度理论 ②第四强度理论 二、变形及刚度条件 1、 拉压 2、 扭转 () 3、 弯曲 (1)积分法: (2)叠加法:…=+…, =… (3)基本变形表(注意:以下各公式均指绝对值,使用时要根据具体情况给予正负号) , (4)弹性变形能(注:以下只给出弯曲构件的变形能,并忽略剪力影响,其他变形与此相似,不予写出) == (5)卡氏第二定理(注:只给出线性弹性弯曲梁的公式) 三、应力状态与强度理论 1、 二向应力状态斜截面应力 2、 二向应力状态极值正应力及所在截面方位角 3、 二向应力状态的极值剪应力 注:极值正应力所在截面与极值剪应力所在截面夹角为45 4、 三向应力状态的主应力: 最大剪应力: 5、二向应力状态的广义胡克定律 (1)、表达形式之一(用应力表示应变) (2)、表达形式之二(用应变表示应力) 6、三向应力状态的广义胡克定律 7、强度理论 (1) (2) 8、平面应力状态下的应变分析 (1) (2) 四、压杆稳定 1、临界压力与临界应力公式(若把直杆分为三类) ①细长受压杆 ②中长受压杆 ③短粗受压杆 “”= 或 2、关于柔度的几个公式 3、惯性半径公式(圆截面,矩形截面(b为短边长度)) 五、动载荷(只给出冲击问题的有关公式) 能量方程 冲击系数 (自由落体冲击)(水平冲击) 六、截面几何性质 1、 惯性矩(以下只给出公式,不注明截面的形状) = 2、惯性矩平移轴公式 图画作文模板 1.现象型―――现象~现象 现象~意义 现象~观点 2.观点型―――观点~观点 审题目-看图-选择模板-打第一段草稿 描述图画 阐述意义 现象趋势 建议措施 原因分析 举例说明 有些词汇要有变化,比如少用picture 而用drawing 观点型 Indicated above is a vivid cartoon/caricature/graph/bar chart/photo that depicts _____________. Obviously ,__________________.But this is the key message conveyed by the drawing .The most striking feature of drawing is that ____________is marked as both ‘名词’ and ‘名词’, which indicates that ____________. The sense of ______,God’s greatest gift to mankind ,is universally considered the most valuable personality a man can possess. Everybody not only do sth ,but also should _________.……… Numerous cases exist to illustrate how important________is.When___________,sb will___________. Or when _________,sb will_____________. By doing so ,sb have done sth which is like______. 现象型 Indicated above is a vivid cartoon/caricature/graph/bar chart/photo that_____________.In the picture presented to us,_____________;on the contrary/ unexpectedly/ ironically/as a comparison, _________________. Consequently/Accordingly ,___________.Obviously ,①(好的现象)this is no flash in the pan /②(坏的现象)this is a mirror of that society.In that mirror ,we can see that ,over the past couple of years, certain common and disturbing/alarming/exciting changes/phenomena have taken placed in the society and created serious concerns over the role of sth. Simple as the drawing is ,the author tends to convey a more profound meaning that has to be taken seriously .事物1 in the picture naturally reminds people of ___________,while 事物2 is usually associated with _________.Thanks to/Due to原因1 and 原因2, 图画结果. Should this situation go unleashed/continues ,as a famous professor says ,趋势一 By the time,趋势二 (1) It is imperative for us to take positive measures to put it on hold. For one thing,措施一;for another,措施二;still,措施三.Only in this way can we have a brigter future. (2) On the basis of analysis ,we can confidently predict that great changes have taken place. This tendency ,will be going on in a exiting direction. (3) On the basis of analysis ,we can confidently conclude that _______have posed tremen