锅炉boiler 锅炉机组 boiler unit 固定式锅炉 stationary boiler 蒸汽锅炉 steam boiler 电站锅炉 power station boiler 工业锅炉 industrial boiler 生活锅炉 domestic boiler 热水锅炉 hot water boiler 船用锅炉 marine boiler 快装锅炉 package boiler 组装锅炉 shop-assembled 散装锅炉 boiler field-assembled boiler 常压热水锅 炉 atmospheric pressure hot water boiler 低压锅炉 low pressure boiler 中压锅炉 medium pressure boiler 高压锅炉 high pressure boiler 超高压锅炉 superhigh pressure boiler 亚临界压力锅炉subcritical pressure boiler 超临界压力锅炉supercritical pressure boiler 超超临界锅 炉 ultra supercritical boiler 自然循环锅 炉 natural circulation boiler 强制循环锅 炉 forced circulation boiler 直流锅炉 once-through boiler 复合循环锅 炉 combined circulation boiler 低循环倍率锅炉low circulation boiler 火管锅炉 fire tube boiler 水管锅炉 water tube boiler 固体燃料锅炉 solid-fuel fired boiler 液体燃料锅炉 liquid-fuel fired boiler 气体燃料锅炉 gas-fuel fired boiler 余热锅炉 exhaust heat boiler 余热锅炉(HRSG) 电热锅炉 electric boiler 锅壳式锅炉 shell boiler 水火管锅壳式锅炉water-fire tube shell boiler 卧式内燃锅炉horizontal internal-com ustion boiler b 角管式锅炉 corner tube 立式锅炉 boiler vertical boiler 小型锅炉 low-capacity boiler 铸铁锅炉 cast-iron boiler 固态排渣锅炉 boiler with dry-ash furnace 液态排渣锅炉 boiler with slag-tap furnace 火床燃烧锅炉 grate firing boiler 链条炉排锅炉 traveling grate boiler 抛煤机链条炉排锅 炉spreader-stoker-fired boiler火室燃烧 锅炉boiler煤粉 suspension firing 燃烧锅炉fired boiler水煤浆燃 pulverized coal 烧锅炉 coal-water slurrty fired boiler流化床燃烧锅炉 fluidized bed boiler 循环流化床锅炉circulating fluidized bed boiler增压循环流化床锅 炉pressurized fluidized bed boiler 微正压锅炉 pressure fired boiler 增压锅炉 supercharged boiler 辐射式锅炉 radiant boiler 通用压力锅 炉universal-pressure boiler 汽水两用锅炉 multifunctional boiler (steam and hot water) 盘管式锅炉 coil tube boiler 真空相变热水锅炉vacuum phase-change hot water boiler 有机热载体炉 organic heat transfer material heater 锅炉本体 boiler proper 受热面heating surface 辐射受热面 radiant heating surface 对流受热面 convection heating surface 附加受热面 auxiliary heating surface 受压部件 pressure part 受压元件 pressure part 管屏tube panel 垂直上升管屏 up flow riser tube panel 回带式管屏 ribbon panel 水平围绕管屏spirally-wound tube panel管束tube bank 错列布置管束staggered bank顺列布置 管束in-line bank对流烟道convection pass并联烟道parallel gas passes风道 air duct炉膛(燃烧室)furnace水冷炉 膛water cooled furnace绝热炉膛 insulating furnace 炉胆furnace波形炉胆corrugated furnace回燃室reversal chamber冷灰斗 water-cooled hopper bottom卫燃带 refractory belt 折焰角furnace arch炉拱arch前拱 front arch 后拱rear arch 燃烧器burner煤粉燃烧器powdered coal burner旋流式煤粉燃烧器cyclone type burner直流式煤粉燃烧器 impellerless burner低氮氧化物燃烧器 low nitrogen oxide burner点火装置flame ignitor 油燃烧器oil burner 油雾化器oil atomizer 机械雾化油燃烧器(压力雾化油燃烧 器) mechanical atomizing burner气流雾化 油燃烧器gas atomizing burner 气体燃烧器gas burner 调风器register 炉排grate 链条炉排traveling grate stoker 链带式炉排chain belt type grate stoker 横梁式炉排crossgirder grate stoker 鳞片式炉排flake type grate stoker 往复炉排reciprocating grate 倾斜式往复炉排inclined reciprocating grate 振动炉排vibrating stoker 抛煤机spreader stoker 锅筒drum 上锅筒steam drum 下锅筒water drum 锅壳shell 筒体cylindrical shell 封头head 凸形封头convex head 椭圆形封头ellipsoidal head 半球形封头hemispherical head 平封头flat head 管板tube plate 孔桥(管孔带)ligament 人孔manhole 手孔handho