通用工程英语 U1-2 (Section A whether goods mpt from customs duties can be re-exportedre-exported or soldsold locallylocally; whether the local government requires the contractor to use some local material and so on. 建材和机械设备建材和机械设备也是谈判中的一个重要议题。 在讨论中应该确认确认一些要点:项目使用的材料和机械设备项目使用的材料和机械设备是 1 5 通用工程英语 U1-2 (Section A ; 当地政府是否要求承包商使用本地材料等。 U13 /U13 /Section CSection CHow to Refuse in Negotiations(P90)How to Refuse in Negotiations(P90) In the process of contract negotiation, it isinevitableinevitableto reject the other side ’s requirements. It takes courage It takes courage and wisdom to refuseand wisdom to refuse and this requires negotiators not to agree with the requirements of the other side easily and at the right time to fight for his ownfavorablefavorableconditions in a way neither servile(servile(卑躬的;谄媚的) ) nor overbearing(overbearing(专横的; 傲慢的; 盛气凌人的) ). A clever negotiator will be reasonable reasonable when he refuses and achievesachieves his goalshis goals without provoking the other side.The techniques of rejectionThe techniques of rejection should be weighed and chosen by effectweighed and chosen by effect. 在合同谈判过程中,拒绝对方的要求是不可避免的不可避免的。拒绝需要勇气和智慧拒绝需要勇气和智慧,这要求谈判者不能轻易同意对 方的要求,在适当的时候要以不卑不亢的方式来争取对自己有利的有利的条件。一个聪明的谈判者会合情合理地合情合理地 拒绝对方,并且在不激怒对方的情况下达成他的目的达成他的目的。拒绝的技巧拒绝的技巧应该根据谈判效果来权衡和选择谈判效果来权衡和选择。 HumorHumor is always one of the mosteffectiveeffectiveskills used to reject the other side. When the other side resolutely resolutely refusedrefused to cut prices or reducing conditions, use words with humor and ease or tell a wonderful storytell a wonderful story to make the other side understand the rejection rejection by reading between the lines so as to avoid theembarrassmentembarrassmentof the other side, and to transfertransfer the unhappiness of being rejected. For example, “If you insist on this price, please prepare for our winter clothes and food. You never want our staff to work for you in hunger and cold .” 幽默幽默一直是用来拒绝对方的最有效有效技巧之一。当另一方坚决拒绝坚决拒绝降价或减少条件时,你可以用轻松幽默的 语言,或者讲一个精彩的故事方式,让对方从话里句间从话里句间明白你拒绝拒绝的意思。这样可以避免对方的尴尬尴尬(或化 解尴尬),也转移转移被拒绝后的不快。举个例子, “如果你方坚持这个价格,请准备好我们的冬装和食物。你永 远不希望我们的员工在饥寒交迫中为你工作。 ” SettingSetting an impossibleprerequisite(prerequisite(先决条件;前提,必备条件) )for the other side to reject his unreasonable request euphemisticallyeuphemistically is also a usual means to reject, such as :“Unless we useinferiorinferiorraw materialsraw materials to reduce production costsproduction costs by 50 percent, could we meet your price.” Because it is impossible for the other side to 1 6 通用工程英语 U1-2 (Section A 股东) ) on a project can help facilitatefacilitate(促进; 帮助) better communication and complete the project successfully. Project failures are often attributed to( attributed to(把---归 因于) ) inadequate management(inadequate management(管理不足管理不足) ), with a key factora key factor of lacking proper communication. 现场会议现场会议是建筑项目成功管理成功管理的重要组成部分。项目中不同利益相关者之间定期召开现场例会现场例会有助于促进促进 更好的沟通和顺利完成项目。项目失败通常归因于管理不足归因于管理不足,关键是缺乏适当的沟通。 It is customary(customary(常例的, 通常的, 按惯例的) ) for regula