videoconferevideoconferencence, Secretary, Secretary of theof the provincialprovincial Committee ofCommittee of XiaXia BaolBaolongong stressestressed: thid: this year is the “five water treatment“ “357“ timetables year is the “five water treatment“ “357“ timetables “for three years to resolves “for three years to resolveoutstandingoutstanding issues, issues, obviobviously workeously worke d,“ victoryd,“ victory of the yeaof the yea r. r.The County s deThe County s departments at alpartments at al l levels ml levels m ust firmly establiust firmly establi sh tsh thehe “guanghui is g“guanghui is g old aold andnd silver“ greesilver“ gree n develn developmeopment concept,nt concept, convinced tconvinced t hat Castlhat Castle ise is not relaxenot relaxed, always maid, always mai ntainintaining strategic ang strategic a bility ability andnd strongstrong determinatidetermination ton to improveo improve the e the environment,nvironment, consistentlyconsistently playing playing well “five water treatment well “five water treatmentof“ winniof“ winning theng the war, evwar, ever-higer-higher levelher levels ofs of comprecomprehensive whensive w ell-off society waell-off society wa s built. (A) lay thes built. (A) lay the sewagesewage uphilluphill battle. Tbattle. This year whis year we will “river watere will “river water quaquality improvelity improve d at thed at the county levecounty level, up to five“ thil, up to five“ thi s bas basicsic objective grasp ofobjective grasp of pollpollution control tution control t hat focus,hat focus, with the focuswith the focus on ton three thihree things: a good job, “clear rivers“ reangs: a good job, “clear rivers“ rea chiching theng the County County created. Organicreated. Organization “lookzation “look back“ special inspeback“ special inspe ction, the County garction, the County gar bage River, blabage River, bla ck andck and odorodorous River is “Dragnet“ investigation, timelyous River is “Dragnet“ investigation, timely rectification of problems found irectification of problems found i n plan place firmly to prevent riverce firmly to prevent river pollpollution rebound. In accorution rebound. In accor dance with tdance with t he “onehe “one-st-stop strategy“, improviop strategy“, improvi ng the infering the inferior five water quality monitorior five water quality monitori ng stations work thing stations work thi s year to es year to e nsure tnsure the Eliminatihe Eliminationon of 1 provincial controf 1 provincial contr ol, five water qualol, five water qual ity sectiity section 3 municipalitieson 3 municipalities controlledcontrolled deterioratideterioration, eon, ensure the creatinsure the creati on ton this year of “clear rivers“ stahis year of “clear rivers“ sta ndarndards. Seds. Second, paycond, pay spespecial attenticial attention toon to pollpollution-cuttingution-cutting constructionconstruction of nanotubes. Interceof nanotubes. Interce pting nanotpting nanotubeubes are thes are the basisbasis of pollof po