英语洛克菲勒给儿子的信英语洛克菲勒给儿子的信 约翰·D·洛克菲勒(John Davison Rockefeller ,1839 年 7 月 8 日 1937 年 5 月 23 日)美国实业家超级资本家,1870 年创立标准 石油(美孚石油公司)洛克菲勒是地球上的第一个亿万富翁,也是 美国历史上除君主外最富有的人, 是世界公认的石油大王在巅峰 时期,他曾垄断了全美 80%的炼油工业和 90%的油管生意。 洛克菲勒写给儿子的信共有 38 封(我号将陆续刊出,敬请关 注)这些信真实记录了洛克菲勒创造财富神话的种种业绩从这些 信中我们不仅可以看到洛克菲勒优良的品德卓越的经商才能, 还 可窥见一代巨富创造财富的谋略与秘密。 下面小编为您带来了英语洛克菲勒给儿子的信, 希望您能喜 欢! 这是美国的石油大王洛克菲勒写给儿子的一封信, 字里行间 充满了一个伟大的父亲对儿子深切的爱,他对儿子说那些话,很 值得我们去深思。 This is a letter to his son wroten by american petrolum gaint “Rockefeller”,each words and setences as well as pargraph of it was full of the dearest love kinds of great father to a son,what he wrotten in this letter to his son are quite worth our consideration 1 1 / 8 8 as well. 英语:洛克菲勒给儿子的信英语:洛克菲勒给儿子的信 亲爱的约翰: Dear John; 你希望我能永远同你一起出航,这听起来很不错,但我不是 你永远的船长,上帝为我们创造了双脚,是要让我们靠自己的双 脚走路。也许你尚未做好独自前行的准备,但你需要知道,我所 置身的那个充满挑战与神奇的商业世界,是你新生活的出发地, 你将从那里开始参加你不曾享用而又关乎你未来的人生盛宴。 至 于你如何使用摆放在你生命面前的刀叉, 和如何品味命运天使奉 上的每一道佳肴,那完全要靠你自己。 you hope that i can start the sailor with you together forever, which was seems to quite nice, but i was not your capitor permently, God creatived pairs of feet for us,it means that she let us walk with it myself.perhaps; you are still not ready for your journey alongly yet,but you must be understand that where we are lived world are the place with full of challenges as well as mystery commercial world, and then which place was where our new life departure place .you will begin topaticipated in the banqued that you have never enjoyed as well as had closely related to your future life. Of how to using the fork which was in 2 2 / 8 8 front of your life and how tasting each beautiful vegetable that granted to you by life God was depend to yourself completely. 当然,我期望你在不远的将来就能卓而不群,并胜我一筹。 而我决定将你留在我的身边, 无非是想把你带到事业生涯的高起 点,让你无须艰难攀爬便可享有迅速腾达的机会。这当然没有什 么值得你庆幸和炫耀的,更无须你感激。美利坚合众国的建国信 念是人人生而平等,但这种平等是权力与法律意义上的平等,与 经济和文化优势无关。 Of course,we expected that you have becomed excellenter as well as supressed me in the near future. Then i will decided to let you to stay together with me,of what i arrangement here was just lead you to the highest vertex of your career,to let you enjoying the fastest speeded to have aopporunity of creating your life wealth without ordeal trek.which was absoluty nothing to felt fortuntly and show off for you as well as your gratitude.the faith of great american of the unite states was everyboy creative equal,but which was only in the aspact of the right and legal sense,and nothing to do with economic as well as culture superiority 在多数情况下,父母的位置决定了孩子的人生起点。但这并 不意味着,每个人的起点不同,其人生结果也不同。我们的命运 3 3 / 8 8 由我们的行动决定,而绝非完全由我们的出身决定。 In the most cases, the starting life status of children was decided by parients social status. But it is not sense that everybody’s life starting point was different,then their life outcome was different.our fate was decided by our action, however is not barely completely decided by our family born background. 家族的荣耀与我们成功的历史, 不能保持其子孙后代的未来 将会美好。我承认早期的优势的确大有帮助,但它不能保证最后 会赢得胜利。 我曾不止一次地思考这个富家子弟而言带有悲哀性 的问题! Family glorly and ou