下载后可任意编辑 摘 要 YOTCHP8756液压油泵是大连液压机械厂的主要产品之一。它的工作效率和容积效率都比较高,可以广泛应用于很多场合。但该厂产品开发手段基本是传统的串行方法,设计试制出原型样机,然后测试、验证并分析它们,但是由于工程师设计出产品,往往要经过多次反复的试制才能成功进入市场,产品开发时间长;在对设计大型、复杂程度较高的产品时,由于设计手段及生理因素的限制,设计易出错和人为疏漏,并缺乏对产品的制造、装配工艺性的预见,影响设计质量;产品设计、制造费用高,产品成本上升,缺乏市场竞争力。 通过使用虚拟装配技术能够更加真实生动的反应液压油泵的装配过程,为了能够了解在实际载荷下关键部位的变形和应力的情况还需要使用到有限元分析技术。 本次毕业设计是在3ds max软件环境下对液压油泵进行虚拟装配动画制作,通过三维动画生动的描述液压油泵的装配过程。同时在HyperMesh软件下环境下进行单元网格划分和有限元分析,通过分析的结果真实反映出液压油泵的轴受力及载荷的状况。 关键词:液压油泵 虚拟装配 液压泵轴 有限元分析 Abstract The YOTCHP8756 hydraulic pressure pump is the main products of the Dalian hydraulic pressure machine factory. Its work efficiency and the capacity efficiencies are all high, and can be used in lots of situations. But the factory s products development is basic on a traditional . first, they design manufactures as a prototype machine on a trial basis, then make the test、verify and analyze. Because engineers design the produces usually base on many times manufacture trial, only after the manufacture trial, the produces can succeed put into the market, it means the time of product developing is too long; Because of the design restrict and the physiology factor, then when they design the more large and complicated product, design would make mistakes and artificial careless easily, and lack the foresee of the product manufacture and assemble craft ,this can be a influence to design quantity; It also make more designing、manufacturing expense of the product, the product s cost would be rising, then the produces lack the competition ability. Through the use of more realistic virtual assembly vivid response to hydraulic pump assembly process, in order to understand the key parts in the actual load of the deation and stress of the situation also need to use finite element analysis techniques. The graduation project is the environment in 3ds max software, virtual assembly of hydraulic pump animation, animated by a vivid description of three-dimensional hydraulic pump assembly. While under the HyperMesh software environment for cell mesh and finite element analysis, reflected through the true results of Hydraulic pump shaft by the force and load conditions. Key words: hydraulic pressure pump virtual assemble Hydraulic pump shaft FEA 下载后可任意编辑 目 录 引 言3 第一章 绪论4 1.1液压油泵的基本原理4 1.2液压油泵的进展情况4 1.3 YOTCHP8756液压油泵特点5 1.3.1液压油泵的优缺点5 1.3.2该厂产品内容简介6 1.4设计讨论的内容7 第二章 相关软件介绍8 2.1 3ds max软件介绍8 2.2 HyperMesh软件介绍8 2.3 Ansys软件简介9 第三章液压油泵虚拟装配10 3.1虚拟现实技术与虚拟装配简介10 3.1.1虚拟现实技术10 3.1.2虚拟装配10 3.2虚拟装配的方案和步骤11 3.2.1液压油泵泵轴装置装配顺序11 3.2.2装配动画的具体步骤11 3.2.3 动画生成14 3.3 液压油泵虚拟装配总结15 第四章 液压油泵的轴有限元分析16 4.1 有限元基本理论简介16 4.2 有限元分析基本步骤17 4.3 液压油泵的轴有限元分析主要步骤17 4.3.1 有限元网格的创建17 4.3.2 刚性单元的创建18 4.3.3 相关属性的创建19 4.3.4 约束和载荷的创建19 4.3.5 工况的创建21 4.3.6 计算及结果分析21 4.4 有限元分析小结26 结论与展望27 谢 辞28 参考文献29 下载后可任意编辑 引 言 我国液压件生产起步较早, 20世纪80年代后期,我国液压组件的生产逐步市场化,近几年在主机行业的带动下,进展速度加快,每年的增速都在30%左右,现在已有大小规模的专业生产厂家六百多家