well, with the effectivenewell, with the effectivene ss of serviss of services tces to defend the io defend the i nterestnterests of the masses. Ts of the masses. T hird, whird, we shoule should strive tod strive to do well. To ado well. To a chievchieve good prae good practical rectical results, the key is tsults, the key is t o know the law, to know the law, t o grasp to grasp the laws ahe laws andnd usiusing laws.ng laws. Office of economicOffice of economic development,development, social prsocial progress, togress, there are rules to follhere are rules to foll ow.ow. Only aOnly act according to the law, toct according to the law, to overcome bliovercome bli ndness andness andnd strengthenistrengtheni ng initiative,ng initiative, creative.creative. WorkiWorking in theng in the Office, weOffice, we shouldshould be good at abe good at a nalyzinalyzing the essence of thing the essence of thi ngs, tngs, to find regular thing,o find regular thing, chachange fromnge from pa passive to assive to active, toctive, to seek one. Investeeseek one. Investee 2. esta2. establishment of blishment of uation system. uation system. uation system is euation system is e ssessentntially an incentive meially an incentive me chachanism, thenism, the uatiuation waon was objective as objective a nd fair, reand fair, rea sonablesonable, and, and cancan stimulate a person s estimulate a person s e nergy, mobilizingnergy, mobilizing people speople s enthusiaenthusiasmsm or be misl or be misleadieading, dampeneng, dampene d the ed the enthusiasmnthusiasm of people. At prof people. At pr eseesent, the conceptnt, the concept of peopleof people -orie-orientednted people,people, but to ebut to establistablish ash and perfect uatind perfect uati on system is still laggingon system is still lagging behibehind.nd. Work iWork in this arn this area shoulea should bed be seriously caughtseriously caught up. “Tup. “Three emphasishree emphasis on“ to take aon“ to take a dvantagedvantage of. Is a focusof. Is a focus on staon standards andards andnd sciescientific. A fundamentalntific. A fundamental poipoint of the nt of the uation criteria, iuation criteria, i s to kees to keep contactp contact, devel, developmeopment, comprehensivnt, comprehensiv e eye e eye uation of cadruation of cadres.es. Office work,Office work, botboth “recorh “record“ and “potentiald“ and “potential perance“; both subjective efforts, take aperance“; both subjective efforts, take anotnother look at theher look at the objeobjective condition; both “pragmatic“ ective condition; both “pragmatic“ e nough, take anough, take a notnother look at the “retreat“ level. Second, focusher look at the “retreat“ level. Second, focuson partion participaticipating theng the breadtbreadth of the subject. h of the subject. uation of cauation of ca dres must give full play todres must give full play to democracy,democracy, cadrecadres and the masses handing ovs a