九年级英语汉译英专项练习 1、因为我的发音不好,我害怕问问题。 I was afraid to ask questions because of my . 2、努力学习是通过考试的秘诀。 The to pass exam to study hard. 3、做笔记也是注意听老师讲课的好方法。 Taking notes is also a good way to to our teacher. 4、我们在课堂上不应该害怕犯错误。 We shouldn’t be afraid of in class. 5、如果我们想准时到达那里,我们最好加快速度。 We’d better if we want to get here on time. 6、他生来记性就好。 He was a good memory. 7、熟能生巧。 Perfect. 8、我们是否开始取决于天气。 Whether ne start or not the weather. 9、你能把他说的再说一遍吗? Can you he said? 10、到目前为止,这个城市的人口增加到 500 万。 The population of this city to 5,000,000 by no. 11、请帮我查一下这个生词。 Please help me the new word. 12、你可以把这些单词和你喜欢的东西联系起来。 You can these words something you like. 13、我已胖了 10 磅。 I’ve ten pounds. 14、他的教学风格和大多数其他教师相似。 His teaching style is that of most other teacher. 1 15、无论谁算一个来这儿,他将会得到礼物。 Here first, he will get the present. 16、孩子们喜欢打扮成卡通人物。 The children like to as cartoon characters. 17、老师以一个故事结束了那节课。 The teacher the class with a story. 18、我听说他们去上海出差了。 I hear they’re gone to shang hai . 19、父母与我分享喜悦和悲哀。 My parents joys ant sorrows me. 20、他清洗了餐具,并把水果摆在了桌子上。 He washed the dishes and the fruits on the table. 21、我路过一家商店,看到我妈妈在商店里。 I a shore ant saw my mother in it. 22、他的话听起来更没有礼貌。 His words sounded . 23、我姐姐通常把零花钱用在衣服上。 My sister usually her pocket money clothes. 24、你通常怎样和你的父母沟通? How do you usually your parents? 25、他客气地拒绝了她的邀请。 He her invitation . 26、她申请准予在白宫拍摄。 She to film at the white House. 27、我们需要导入一个新的问题。 We need to to a new question. 28、我盼望收到你的来信。 I am forward to from you. 2 29、我建议坐我的车去哪儿。 I there in my car. 30、在上海乘公共汽车旅行是很便利的。 It’s to by bus in shanghai. 31、自从我在这个学校工作已经四年了。 It four years since I worked in the school. 32,你怎样处理你的问题? How do you your problems? 33、她的这些朋友对她的影响很坏。 These friends of hers a bad on her. 34、如果你想加入这个俱乐部,你必须亲自申请。 If you want to join the club, you have to apply . 35、他们对现在是一位著名演员的女儿感到非常自豪。 They great in their daughter, who is now a famous actress. 36、吉姆以前很安静,但现在很外向。 Lim to really quiet, but now he is outgoing. 37、他们要求我保持沉默。 They required me to . 38、你过去常害怕在公共场合演讲吗? Did you use to be afraid of giving a speech ? 39、他建议我和老师谈一谈。 He me talk with the teacher. 40、我想知道接下来我们应该去哪里。 I where we should go . 41、这枚戒指是金制的。 The ring is gold. 42、三亚因其美丽的海滩而著名。 Sanya is its beautiful beaches. 3 43、这双鞋是手工制作的吗? Is the pair of shoes made ? 44、无论什么时间,你到了那儿就给我打电话。 Call me when you get there, what the time is. 45、我看得出来她极力回避我的目光。 I can see she’s trying hard to my eyes. 46.这有一本日常用的小词典。 Here is a small dictionary for . 47.钢铁通常以很高的温度锻造。 Steel is us