《普通高中英语课程标准(2017) 》词汇表 说明: 1. 本词汇表共收 3,000 个单词,含义务段要求掌握的1,500 个单词。高中英语必修课程应学 习和掌握 500 个单词(表中加有一个*号) ,累计达 2,000。选修 I 课程应学习和掌握 1,000 个单词(表中加有两个**号) ,累计达 3,000。各地可根据实际情况在本词汇表所收词的基础 上,再选择增加 200 个单词。 2. 本词汇表采用英式英语拼写形式。 3. 本着在具体语境中学习和使用单词的原则,本词汇表不标注单词的词性和中文释义。 4. 本词汇表不列词组和短语。 5. 本词汇表不列语法术语。 6. 本词汇表不列可根据构词法推导出的部分名词、形容词、副词等。 7. 数字(含基数词、序数词) 、主要国家名称及相关信息等词单独列出,供教学参考。 Aacquire*affect** a (an)acrossafford abandon**actafraid abilityactionAfrica ableactiveAfrican abnormal**activityafter aboard**actorafternoon aboutactressafterward** aboveactually*again abroadAD**against absence**adapt*age absentadaptation**20 absolutely*addagency** absorb**addict*agenda** abstract**addition*ago abuse**addressagree academic**adjust**agreement accent**administration**agriculture* acceptadmire*ahead* access**admit*aid* accident*adopt**aim* accommodation**adorable**air accompany**adult*airline** according toadvance*airport account*advantagealarm* accurate**adventure*alcohol** accuse**advertise**alive ache*advertisement (ad)**all achieveadviceallow achievement*advisealmost acid**advocate**alone acknowledge**affair*along alongside** aloud already also alternative** although altogether** always a.m.* amateur** amazing* ambition** ambitious** ambulance** America American among amount* amuse** analyse** ancestor** ancient and anger** angle** angry animal ankle** announce* annoy** annual* another answer ant anticipate** antique** anxiety** anxious* any anybody anyhow** anyone anything anyway anywhere apart** apartment* apologise* apparently** appeal** appear appetite** applaud** apple applicant** application* apply* appointment** appreciate** approach* appropriate** approve** April arch** architect** area argue* arise** arm army around arrangement* arrest** arrive arrow** art article artificial** artist as ashamed** Asia Asian aside** ask asleep aspect* assess** assign** assistant** association** assume* assumption** astonish** astronaut** astronomer** at athlete* Atlantic* atmosphere** attach* attack* attain** attempt* attend attention attitude* attract* audience* August aunt Australia 21 Australian author* authority* automatic** autonomous** autumn available** average* avoid awake award* aware* away awesome** awful awkward* B baby back background backward** bacon** bad badminton* bag bakery** balance* ball ballet* balloon bamboo ban** banana band* bank bar* barbecue** barely** bark** barrier** base* baseball basic basin** basis* basket basketball bat** bath** bathroom battery* battle* bay** BC** be (am, are, is ) beach bean bean curd (tofu)** bear beard** beat beautiful beauty** because become bed bedroom beef beer* before begin behalf** behave** behaviour* behind being** belief** believe bell belong* below belt* bend** beneath* benefit* beside best bet** better between beyond* big bike =bicycle bill billion** biology** bird birth birthday biscuit bit bite* bitter** black blackboard blame** blank** blanket** bleed** bless** blind block blog* blood blouse blow blue board boat body boi