1. The following figure shows a C2MOS based dual-edge triggered register. Its advantage is that a lower frequency clock half of the original rate is distributed for the same functional throughput, resulting in power savings in the clock distribution network. 1Calculate the timing parameters of setup timetSU, hold time tH and propagation delaytCO of the register with respect to the rising edge of the clockCLK, given that the inverter delay is tINV. 2Assume that the transistors are with the minimum size and C 20 fF. Verify the function of the dual-edge triggered register and itstiming parameters in 1 by using HSPICE and TSMC 0.18 um CMOS technology model with 1.8 V power supply. 3Determine respectively the maximum work frequency fmaxof the register by HSPICE simulation. 4Determine the maximum fresh cycle of the register. Solution (1)、 C2MOS 电路对时钟重叠不敏感所以 CLK 和 CLK’因反相器导致的延时问 题不予考虑。CLK 在上升沿之前为低电平,假设输入 D 为 1,M9,M10 和 M1 导通,则 Y 为 0,所以 tSUtINV(类似反相器的传播延时)tINV(CLK 到 CLK’ 反相器导致的延时) 2 tINV; 由于上升沿到来后 CLK 为高电平, M9 和 M10 关断, 所以在时钟变为高电平后输入的任何变化都不会影响输出,所以 tH0;当 CLK 上升沿到来, 则 M14, M13 和 M12 导通 Y0 反向输出到 Q (为 1) , 所以 tCO tINV (类似反相器的传播延时)tINV(CLK 到 CLK’反相器导致的延时)2 tINV。可 以看出 C2MOS 电路相比于静态电路延时很小。 (2)、代码如下 .title C2MOS LOGIC OF INVERTERS .lib C\synopsys\Hspice_D-2010.03-SP1\tsmc018\mm018.l TT * set 0.18um library .options post2 list .temp 27 .global vdd Vdd vdd gnd 1.8 vclkn vclkn 0 0.9 pulse 0.0 1.8 1500p 5p 5p 2990p 6000p vinvin 0 0.9 PWL 0p 0,1280p 0,1285p 1.8 C1 voutx gnd 20f C2 vouty gnd 20f C3 vqgnd 20f .subcktPN-TYPE-INV1 clkn clkp D out n2 n1 wn0.35u wp1.0u t0.5u m1 n2 D gnd gnd NCH l0.2u wwn adwn*t pdwn2*t aswn*t pswn2*t m2 out clkn n2 gnd NCH l0.2u wwn adwn*t pdwn2*t aswn*t pswn2*t m3out clkp n1 vdd PCH l0.2u wwp adwp*t pdwp2*t aswp*t pswp2*t m4 n1D vdd vdd PCH l0.2u wwp adwp*t pdwp2*t aswp*t pswp2*t .ends .subcktPN-TYPE-INV2 clkn clkp D out wn0.35u wp1.0u t0.5u m1 n2 D gnd gnd NCH l0.2u wwn adwn*t pdwn2*t aswn*t pswn2*t m2 outclkn n2 gnd NCH l0.2u wwn adwn*t pdwn2*t aswn*t pswn2*t m3 out clkp n1 vdd PCH l0.2u wwp adwp*t pdwp2*t aswp*t pswp2*t m4 n1 D vdd vdd PCH l0.2u wwp adwp*t pdwp2*t aswp*t pswp2*t .ends .subcktPN-TYPE-tINV clkp clkn out n2 n1 wn0.35u wp1.0u t0.5u m1 out clkp n2 gnd NCH l0.2u wwn adwn*t pdwn2*t aswn*t pswn2*t m2 out clkn n1 vdd PCH l0.2u wwp adwp*t pdwp2*t aswp*t pswp2*t .ends .subckt inv in out wn0.35u wp1.0u t0.5u m1 out in gnd gnd NCH l0.2u wwn adwn*t pdwn2*t aswn*t pswn2*t m2 out in vdd vdd PCH l0.2u wwp adwp*t pdwp2*t aswp*t pswp2*t .ends X1 vclkn vclkpinv X2 vclkn vclkp vinvoutx n2 n1 PN-TYPE-INV1 X3 vclkp vclkn voutx vqPN-TYPE-INV2 X4 vclkp vclkn vouty n2 n1PN-TYPE-tINV X5 vclkn vclkp vouty vqPN-TYPE-INV2 .op .tran 5p 18000p .meas tran vqmax max vvq from50p to18000p .meas tran vqmin min vvq from5