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四年级上册My home B Let s talk教学设计与反思 一.教学设计 Teaching Aims and Demands 1、能听懂、会说Where are the ... Are they in/on/under/near the... Yes, they are. / No, they arent.并能在实际情境中运用。 2、能够询问、猜测复数物品的位置,并做出相应的回答。 3、通过整理文具等活动,教育学生要养成及时整理物品的好习 惯。 Teaching Keys and Difficulties 能 听说认 读句型 Where are the... They re....Are they in/on/under/near the... Yes,they are. /No ,they arent.并在实际中运用。. Teaching Aids 1、书包、铅笔、故事书、电话机等实物。 2、教学课件Unit 4 B Lefs talk Teaching Steps (一)Warm-up/Revision 1、Greetings. 2、看口型猜单词 o 复习单词phone, table, bed, fridge, sofa. 3、Unit 4 B Lefs do. 4、Guessing game. 复习Where is it in/on/near/under...Yes, it is./No, it isn,t.,, 二 Presentation 1、教授句型 Are they... Yes, they are. /No, they arent. 教师拿出一个装有书的黑色袋子说I have many books. What are they Are they notebooks学生回答No, they arent.教师接着说Guess What are they引导学生用Are they...来猜一猜,最后出示Look They are story-books. 板书Are they... Yes, they are. /No, they arent.教师先范读,再带读。 可以集体读,分小组读,男女生读,个别学生读。 2、教授句型 Where are ... Are they in/on/near/under... 教师把书藏在桌子里面,问学生Where are the books Are they on the desk学生回答No, they arent.教师接着说Guess Where are they 板书Where are...教师先范读,再带读。引导学生用Are they in/on/near/under...来猜一猜。同法,教师把铅笔藏在电话旁边,操练 句型 Where are... Are they in/on/near/under... 三 Practice 1、创设情境,导入对话。 1 、T Now ril put the things in my bag. Oh, wheres my bag Let me see, ifs in that room. Lefs go and have a look,教师上前开门,发现没 有钥匙Where are the keys Where are the keys Are they on the table Are they near the phone学生回答No, they arent. 2 、Listen and choose. T Please watch a cartoon, and find out Where are the keys Play the CAI. (3)、Listen and read,先跟录音读,再分角色朗读。小组操练。 2、Lefs show.表演对话。 3、Lefs chant,巩固对话。 (四)Consolidation/Extension 1、Group work. Play the CAI. Talk in groups. Where are the animals 一张大图片上分三栏,第一栏上 有 dogs, cats, ducks, rabbits 的图片,第三栏上有 box, table, sofa, bed 的图片。第二栏画了连接第一栏和第三栏的杂乱无章的线。先让学生 去猜,最后公布答案。 在此环节教师要放手让学生与学生对话,任其自由发挥,以培养学生 的发散性思维。 2、Memory game. Play the CAL T Look. This is Johns bedroom. Now try to remember where the things are.记住他们的位置.You will have 5 seconds.5,4,3,2,1.(点击课件,the things in the bedroom disappear) T Where is the schoolbag 提示 Ss 用Is it in / on/ under/ near the ...来 询问(课件上设置声音Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.作出回答)。接着用 Where are the pears引导学生用 Are they in/on/under the...来询问 (课件上设置声音 Yes, they are./No, they arent.回答)。 (五)Assessment 1、生活好习惯。Play the CAL T Look at Johns bedroom. The rulers are on the bed, the pears are under the table. Is that good Ss No. T So we should put the things away and take good care of them. Play the CAI. T Can you do that Ss Yes. 2、Homework 1 、Listen and read the dialogue . 2 、Act it out with your friend. 3、Who is the winner today T All of you did a good job. Thank you very much 4、Sing a song. My Bedroom,. Say Goodbye to the teachers. Blackboard Design Unit4 My Home Where are ... Are they ... Yes, they are. / No, they arent.


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