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合资经营企业合同[适用中方] 本协议于年月日签订。 This Agreement made this _________ day of _________, 签约第一方公司,该公司系中国公司,在中国注册(以下简称“甲方”); _________ by _________ Corporation (hereinafter called “Party A”), a Chinese corporation having its registered office at_________, China, 签约其次方公司,系美国公司,在美国注册(以下简称“乙方”)。 and _________ Company (hereinafter called “Party B”), an American company having its registered office at _________, USA. 兹证明 WITNESSES 甲方在中国生产和销售产品;乙方生产和销售产品(以下称“许可产品”),拥有许可产品的美国专利(以下称“专利”)和号注册商标; WHEREAS Party A is engaged in manufacturing and selling _________ in China; and WHEREAS Party B is engaged in manufacturing and selling (hereinafter called “Licensed Product”) and has American patent rights to Licensed Product (hereinafter called “Patents”)and registered Trademark No._________(hereinafter called “Trademark”); and 甲乙双方认为依据中华人民共和国的法律成立共同全部的公司(以下称“合营公司”),在地从事生产、销售和开发许可产品,对双方都是有利的; WHEREAS the Parties consider it mutually advantageous to organize a jointly owned corporation (hereinafter called “Joint Venture”) under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China to engage in the manufacture, sale and development of Licensed Product in_________. 为此,鉴于本协议所述的前提与约定,特此立约如下 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and convenance described hereinafter Party A and Party B agree as follows 第一条定义 Article 1Definitions 在本协议中,除非文中另有明确规定,下列短语具有以下意思 In this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings unless the context clearly dictates otherwise. 1.“合营企业”,系指依据本协议建立的公司。 1.“Joint Venture” means the corporation to be organized pursuant to the provisions of Article 2 hereto. 2.“许可产品”,系指。 2.“Licensed Product” means_________. 3.“专利”,系指。 3.“Patents” means_________. 4.“商标”,系指。 4.“Trademark” means_________. 5.。 5._________. 其次条建立合营企业 Article 2ation of Joint Venture 1.甲方和乙方依据中华人民共和国的法律建立合营企业。 1.Party A and Party B shall spare no efforts for the organization of Joint Venture under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. 2.合营企业称为,地址为。 2.The name of Joint Venture is _________ with its legal address_________. 3.合营企业的一切活动,必需遵守中华人民共和国的法律、法令和有关条例规定。 3.All activities of Joint Venture shall comply with the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the Peoples Republic of China. 4.合营企业的组织形式为有限责任公司。甲乙双方以各自认缴的出资额对合营公司的债务担当责任。各方按其出资额在注册资本中的比例共享利润和分担风险及亏损。 4.Joint Venture shall take the of a limited liability company.The profits, risks and losses of Joint Venture shall be shared by both Party A and Party B in proportion to the contributions to the registered capital. 5.合营企业的组建费用由甲乙双方平均分担。 5.The expenses of organizing Joint Venture shall be equally borne by Party A and Party B. 第三条生产经营的目的、范围和规模 Article 3Purpose, Scope and Size of Business 1.甲、乙双方合资经营的目的是


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