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中学英语教材分析与教学设计 The Final Project Teaching Plan for Section A Unit4 , Grade8 人教版 1. The teaching material analysis 2. The background of students 3. Outline teaching plan 1 Learning objectives 2 Teaching procedure 4. Appendix teaching materials, ppt and Bb writing design, hand-writing Designer 李桂琴 Student I.D. No 201312101003 Grade2013 英本 Date 2015-9-5 教材分析 我教的是八年级上册人教版Go for it Unit4 How do you get to school SectionA的课文P.19-21,我把它定为听说操练课,即通过听和说的方式来 操练语言。 本课主是要谈论如何到达某个地方talk about how to get to places,涉及 到交通工具transportation、行程距离how far和所花费的时间how longo 本课的教学内容以Section A部分为主SectionAla-lc P19主要是引入新 句型How do you get to school以学生熟悉的日常生活来教授和操练此句型的不 同人称形式第二和第三人称。在2a-2d P20中,首先以数字作为教学铺垫, 以便教授新句型 How long does it take在 3a-3b-4 P21中,在复习 how do you get to ...和 how long does it take的基础上,引入 How far is it from ... to ...以一 篇小短文和一个对话来操练和巩固此三个主要句型。第4部分是一个Info gap race 信息沟比赛,让学生在具体情境中来操练这三个句型。 本课涉及的相关知识主要是一般现在时的特殊疑问句形式,以及对数字的复 习,补充和运用。很多学生在小学已经学过交通工具介词表达法,如by bus/train, car../on foot.这些知识可能会对本课的交通工具动词词组表达法,如take the bus/train/car.../walk等的学习产生干扰。 在设计本课时,我对原教材内容和教学顺序作了极大的调整。首先我将交 通工具how、行程距离how far和所花费的时间how long的三个主要教学 句型和内容整合在一起同时操练,并逐步变换人称形式对其进行反复操练。对于 原教材我只截取了 Section A部分的la, lb, 2a,2b和3a.将其整合在每个教学环 节中。其呈现操练的顺序也有不同。首先是2a2b.然后才是la, lb,lc3a.同时 补充了一些新的与环游故事相关的交通工具的教学,如hot- air balloon, carriage, yacht, airship, sleigh□并且在教学数字时增加了“thousand比较大的一些数字的教 学。 The background of students From classroom observation, the students in Class6, Grade2 in Haikou No.l Middle School junior high are described as follows 1 the basis of the class The class is a large class with 56 lovely and energetic students 34girls and 22boys. 2 the attitude st Students seem to actively respond to the teacher in chorus but they would not like to demonstrate their answers individually in public except some active top students. 3 the ability Most students can respond to display questions in mechanical practice after reading and can acquire new words with the help of teacher and their classmates but difficult to answer the questions in their own words. 4 the strategies Students would like to talk while the teacher explains about language points but they have not ed the habit of taking notes also some of them can not concentrate their mind when they are out of the teachers sight. 5 The teacher should 1 Pay more attention to developing students interest and promoting their motivations as well as helping them the good habit of listening; 2 Help students realize the importance and significance of listening skills and strategies, which will make contributions to effective listening and setting students9 confidence in listening; 3 Remind Ss of taking notes about some key words or sentences during the process of listening 4 More language support should also be in the teachers consideration. Outline Teaching Plan for Lesson 2 Unit4, SectionA , Go for it How do you get to school


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