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《人教版英语九年级上册Unit 4教案》

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《人教版英语九年级上册Unit 4教案》

人教版英语九年级上册Unit 4教案 Unit 4 What would you do I Teaching Tools PowerPoint, tape record, word cards II Teaching s Mechanical Meaningful Communicative drills IIlTeaching Aims 1. get familiar with the useful words and expressions 2. learn about how to give suggestions 3. learn about subjunctive 4. key sentences What would you do if If I were you, Id What are you like 5. Key words advice, personality, accident and problems IVTeaching Procedure Section A Lesson One Step A Pre-reading warming up Question What would you do if you had a million dollars 5 minutes Step B While-reading a. Group Work show a picture, then divide groups within 4 students one asks What would you do if you had a million dollars,, The rest answer based on pictures. 10 minutes c. Listen to the tape and answer the question Why is Larry nervous And circle the reasons on books.8 minutes d. Listen it again and find out four things Larrys sister says to him.8 minutes e. Pair work student A were Larry and talk his worries to his sister; student B were Larrys sister and gives advice to him.12 minutes Step C Post-reading Finish rcise on Page 125 together. Homework Match each problem with proper advice on Page 28. Then think of different reasons for these problems. Lesson Two Step A Pre-reading review Question What would you do if you had a one-day holiday 5 minutes Step B While-reading a. Check the last homework..3 minutes b. Role play conversations with desk mates, according to homework, employing the expression If I were you12 minutes c. Practice everyone writes down your problems at home and school, and ask desk mates to give advice, using the sentence If I were you Then some groups will be asked practice alone.15 minutes Step C Post-reading Reading a letter from Fran Activity group discussion 4 people. One writes, the others give advice.10 minutes Homework review the new words. Section B Lesson 3 Step A Pre-reading warming up a. Show word cards to students, and ask them to describe with their own words. Words are confident, energetic, shy, outgoing and creative.8 minutes b. Group work groups within four people. One asks the rest of three the question What are you like The rest answer it one by one. Then another one asks and the rest answer. All should ask and answer.8 minutes Step B While-reading a. Listen to the tape twice and circle the answers on Page 29. Firstly check what have been asked, then check what answers are.10 minutes b. Make personality surveys to students.7 minutes c. Ask some students to do present. Two students are picked at random. One asks according to the survey and the other answers based on his or her real thought.10 minutes Step C Post-reading Fill blanks showed on PPT. Homework Find the difference between accident and problems. Lesson 4 Step A Pre-reading warming up Questions 1. What kinds of acciden


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