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学时 三年级下册第八单元第三课时 课题 I like a sunny day 课型 任务型巩固课 姓名 学校 手机 教学 内容 E 部分 1.Lets Learn to Learn Match the words with the pictures cold, warm, hot, cool F 部分 2.Lefs chant Kate has a kite Kate likes the kite Kate flies the kite Kate run with the kite 教学 目标 1. Master the pronunciation and meaning of these four words cool, cold, hot, warm 2. Be able to use this sentence structure Im/sbs hot warm, cold, cool9,to express whats your/his/her feeling of the weather. 3. Be able to grasp and use this sentence structure Are you... ---Yes, I am/No, Im not 3 .Master the pronunciation of the letter k. 课时 安排 在前两个课时里教师已经让学生整体感知了 A部分的课文对话并处理了 B部分的单词,本课时主要 巩固加深学生对warm, cool, hot, cold的认识,并拓展它们的用法。 Teaching Learning procedures The third period Step 1 Greeting T Hello, hello, how are you Hello, hello, how are you Sing Ss Im fine T Thank you, Im fine. Sing Ss Thank you. Step 2 Lead in T Hello, boys and girls. I want to find Peter, Ming ming, and Anne. Are you Peter走到一个学生面前,在课前要求学生将头套的人物面朝外佩戴 SI Yes, I am. T Nice to meet you. SI Nice to meet you, too. T You are so clever.同时竖起大拇指 T Are you Anne S2 No, I am not. Tm Ling ling. T Ling ling, how are you S2 Im fine, thanks. T How beautiful voice Thank you, sit down, please. T Today, Tm hot. How about you Are you cold, warm, cool or hot同时走向四块展板 【学习内容】Are you sb Yes. Im/ No, Im not. 【学习方式】教师表演,师生对话 【设计意图】通过老师与学生的对话,让学生记住自己的身份,为接下来的sb is cold/ warm/ cool/ hot做铺垫 Step 2 Presentation Picture show T 1. Look at the first picture Wow, who is the boy停顿片刻,He is Peter, do you still remember Peter Peter is ...同时做冷的动作Do you think so 2. OK, look at this picture, her name is Dong dong, Dong dong is...(呈现图片) 3. Who is she, she is Ling ling, Ling ling is...(呈现图片) 4. Ok, this is Ming ming, Ming ming is ...(呈现图片) Ss cold T You are so clever, yeah; Peter is cold, Ok, read after me, cold Ss cold T ask students one by one to read cold T You please SI cold T well done /good/thank you, you are so smart/wow How beautiful, sit down please/ perfect/ok, try again S2, S3, S4, S5.... T Now, read after me, cold, cold, Peter is cold. Ss cold, cold. Peter is cold. 【学习内容】展示图片,学习Sb is cold/warm/hot/ cool 【学习方式】图片启示,师生对话 【设计意图】通过学生熟悉人物的图片展示,引入新教学的句型,这样可以加深学生对天气感受词视觉上的 认识。 Step 3 Practice 1 Free talk T Now, lets talk with each other. Look at the card on your head, for example, look at me, Im Miss Jiang, so, Miss Jiang is...(同时将自己头上的卡片展示给大家) Ss hot T Yeah, you get it, Miss Jiang is hot. Now, look at your partner, your partner(根据头套的角色换名字)is... T OK, understand Talk in pairs,(同时教师在全班走动,帮助不会的学生) T Lets stop here. Can you tell sth. about your partners feeling Check 3-4 groups to present their conversations. T Well done / You did a very good job 【学习内容】Someone is warm/hot/cool/cold 【学习方式】,师生对话,生生对话 【设计意图】将warm/hot/cool/cold融入到语境中,在语言氛围中学会表达关于天气的四种感受。 2单词不用记 T OK Lets play a game, firstly, ri


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