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PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit6 Part B Lefs Learn教案 教材分析 本单元的学习任务是学学习有关家庭成员的单词及一些职业单词, 并且掌握提问关于做什么职业的句型。而本节课是要学习几个职业单词 及询问什么职业的句型 Whafs your fathers...job He/She is a.... 学情分析 小学英语教学应充分尊重小学生心理、生理和认知水平的发展规律, 将语言学习与活动结合起来,本节课的设计诣在突出“兴趣、情景、任务”, 让小学生在说说、唱唱、练练的过程中去感受语言、学习语言、运用语 言。对于有了一定基础的四年学生,如何能够让他们在熟悉的旧知识里, 学习到新的内容,并且能得到更高程度的提高.成为我这一节课的主要 意图。所以我设计了几个游戏活动,希望他们能在游戏中学习到新的知 识. 教学目标 1、知识目标 能听、说、认读职业单词doctor , farmer ,nurse , driver ,cook. 能够运用句子Whats your fathers...job He/She is a ....简单询问同学 或朋友的家人的职业。 2、技能目标 1 能简单描述父母的职业,如My father is a doctor. 2 能够完成Lefs play等活动,巩固所学单词。 3 能够完成Group work, Pair work的任务活动,使学生在实际情景中运 用所学的语言。 3、情感目标 1 通过任务活动的完成培养学生乐于与人合作的精神。 2 通过师生互动、生生互动建立和谐的师生关系。 教学重点和难点 1、教学重点能听、说、认读职业单词doctor , farmer , nurse , driver ,cook. 2、教学难点能运用句子简单询问同学或朋友的家人的职业。 教学过程 Step 1 Warm- up 1 Ask and answer. How many peope are there in your family Who are they 2 Review the words about family numbers. Step 2 Presentation 1. Lead-in T Show the picture of Sarahfamily tree. Sarah is a student, do you want to know what his father or aunt is Lefs watch the slide. 2. T Whats your fathers job,Sarah,,Present the picture doctorand the word card doctor, and then teach them to pronounce it, and put it up on the blackboard. Ss Doctor, doctor, My father is a doctor. Let the students act while they are reading T Can you act like a doctor T He is a great doctor, but he needs help. Who can help him Use the slides to show the pictures to lead them to speak out nurse. Ss Nurse, nurse, shes a nurse. The nurse helps the doctor. Present the word card, and put it up on the blackboard Show a picture of a driver on the slide T Guess Whafs his job Lead the students to speak out the word driver T He drives the car, so he is a driver Present the carddriver Ss Driver, driver, my uncle is a driver. T Show a picture of an old farmer on the farm, Do you know who he is Ss He is Sarahs grandfather.. T Whafs his job Ss He is a farmer. Present the card farmer, and lead them to pronounce it Show a picture of a man T So, whos he Ss He is a Sarahs cousin. T Guess Whafs his job Present the card cook Ss/T cook, cook, hes a cook 3. Read and repeat the words. 1 Listen and repeat. 2 Quick respones look and say Step 3 Lefs do 1 Lefs do the actions and say the sentences. 2 Play a game T Do you want to play a game If you win, you can get the praise. Teacher will draw out a card and let a student act, other students need to guess his job, the student who guess it right can get a prize, and then he/she will act to repeat this game. Step 4 Practice 1. Group work. Talk about your family. 2. Look and match. Step 5 A word for you Do what you love, love what you do. Homework l. Ask and answer the jobs about your family numbers In pairs. 2. Write the new words for 5 times.


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