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剑桥少儿英语三级教案 剑桥少儿英语三级上 Unit 1 What was the wearther like yesterday 教学目的和要求 *通过学习进一步学习有关天气的词汇 *能用简洁的英语来描述天气 *学会用过去时来询问过去的天气 交际句型 What was the weather like yesterday It was windy. It’s always hot. Last winter the north was cold, and the east windy. 交际词汇humid, foggy, dry, drizzling, thundering, clear, mild, warm, England, India, London, Australia,, Paris, Greece, Italy. 教学用具 weather, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, rainbow, wet, cold, hot, sky, etc. 详细教学方式 Part 1 上课时可以用以前学过的句型问大家,What’s the weather like today Is it sunny Is it cloudy Is it rainy紧接着,老师拿出一些相关的天气图片给大家看,并对大家说,Now, look here. I’ve got many pictures. What are they然后,让学生一张一张地复习已会的单词。在学生比较娴熟驾驭单词后,拿出几个新的单词图片说,Look, It’s drizzling. Do you know “drizzling”“毛毛细雨”It’s drizzling. Now use this picture to answer my question. What’s the weather like in this picture老师可以问几遍,然后再学习新的单词。如foggy, dry, clear, humid, thundering 等。老师给出中文意思的时候,不必说整句话,只需给出某个单词的意思即可。之后,老师可以教新的句型。Now listen carefully. Who can answer my next question What was the weather like yesterday Do you know “yesterday” What was the weather like yesterday说此句子的时候要特殊强调句子中的was, yesterday.假如有学生举手发言,就可以跟该学生进行问答。老师边说边把两个问句写在黑板上,然后用彩色粉笔标出不同之处,同时给出不同的答语。当学生能明白句子时,对学生说,Now I want you to practice the questions and answers in pairs.练习后,老师说Now which pair wants to do in class Part 2 Now please close your books. Let’s listen to a dialogue. Listen very carefully. Later I’m going to ask you some questions. / Where’s the first man from / What was the weather like in last winter Where’s the second man from / Is it always hot in / Was it hot last winter学生问答了问题之后,老师对学生说,Now please open your books. Let’s read this dialogue. Please read after me . Part 3 Let’s compare these two pictures. You see, in Picture A there is a policeman and an old woman. But in Picture 2 there is a policeman and a boy. What other different things can you see Who knows Part 4 ,按要求把图画出来。Let’s have a quick look at yesterday’s weather report. Among some of the big cities, there was a bit snow in Beijing . Many people went outside and played with snowballs. In Lanzhou , it was clear .Many people went shopping and stayed in the parks. But Guangzhou had a thunder shower. It cooled down the hot air . In Dalian , it was sunny and hot. Many people swam in the sea. In Chongqing it was a bit foggy. In Wuhan there was a strong wind . Now let’s look at today’s weaher Part 5 目的在于扩高校生有关天气的相关学问。老师在教此部分时,确定要以朗读和理解为主,没有必要让学生记住文章中的全部单词,特殊是没有必要逐字逐句翻译成汉语。如有些意思不好用英语说明时,可以适当给出该短语的中文意思。 Part 6 可以让学生表演小对话。由于这一部分没有太多难点,可干脆让学生两人一组进行练习。 练习一可以让学生以小组为单位进行竞赛。先让学生分组拼出单词,然后将所拼出的词写在黑板上。每拼对一个词给10分,最终算总分。Now let’s play a word-spelling game .We’ve got an apple tree here .On each apple there’s a letter. Work in groups and spell the words out. When you finish , run to the blackboard and copy them down. Later we’ll see how many minutes you’ve used and how many correct words you’ve got. Is it clear Now let’s begin.在学生以小组为单位拼法的时候,老师可以在黑板上标出每个小组的地


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