Leisure It is in his pleasure that a man really lives, It is from his leisure that Agnes Repplier said. So we can he constructs the true fabric of self, Having time for leisure is a basic find how important the leisure is. human need. We have many choices to spend our leisure time.But we should have known that our choices decide our life s quality. In the leisure time, we can have active leisure activities or passive leisure activities. In my opinion, we should take all of them,but through a investigation we find According to the data more people choose passive leisure activities. shows in the investigation we can find that 20% person watching TV, 15% person listening to the radio or music and 14% person surfing the Internet. Only a handful of people choose outdoor sports .I don t think this is a good phenomenon. With the development of technology, people have many ways to relax themselves, but to our disappointment so many people choose passive leisure activities. At the same time people lose the opportunities to make face-to-face communications and do rcise. The choices you make in how you spend your leisure time can increase your level of happiness and enrich your participation in the flow of life. So we should take more kinds of activities to relax ourselves, we should leave the room and computer go outside and enjoy the nature, meanwhile we can increase our experience. At last I hope everyone leave your compute ,TV,MP3,book and so on and go outside to play basketball and football, climb mountains or travelling. Have a good leisure time and have a good life. 我觉得用电脑记录心情的一大好处是可以随时删除,而且可以消失的毫无痕迹,而且别人看到的几率也很小。嘿嘿,有点小变态,有点小自私。但是这就是自己真是的想法。自己感觉最近一点也不像原来的自己,自己把原来的自己弄丢了,虽然不喜欢原来的自己,感觉木木的不会交流,但是不至于讨厌,我有自己的可爱,自己的单纯,自己的思想与计划,自己的梦想,自己的目标。但是现在的自己却让我感觉到无比的厌烦与讨厌,我想改变自己,却不想是这个样子,我恨现在的自己,随波逐流,没有了原来的雄心壮志(可能原来也谈不上),但是现在整天过的晕晕乎乎,被动的围着所谓的作业打转转,自己却从中收获不到任何的东西。自己找不到方向,看着别人忙碌的身影心里一阵一阵的发慌,从来没有出现的这种情况让我无所适从。无人诉说,只能对着电脑不停地倾诉,而且不用别人知道,维护了自己所谓的自尊心。可是自己却是很明白,这只是自欺欺人。有些时候只有这样记录一下才能真正意识到自己是多么的盲目的浪费者美好 的时光,浪费着短暂的生命。一个学期就在自己的碌碌无为中悄然而逝,在这必须进行反思,必须采取一点措施是自己进步,最起码是找回原来的自己,不在做一个晚上不睡,早上不起的大懒蛋和非正常的作息时间,自己安排好自己要做的事情,做到有计划性,不能整天的无序操作。同时要排除别人的干扰,无论是在心情上还是在做事的计划性上。独立的完成与思考是研究生必备的,努力做到,看你自己的表现哦。同时还要记住一点无论做什么事情都必须竭尽全力,认认真真,记住凡是你做过的事情对你自己都会有帮助,事无大小,做到这一点也会有很大的收获,但是还是要分清事情的主次,毕竟你只是一个普通的人而已。加油,希望能有所进步,好想写过的激励自己的不止一次,作用不大,这也是自己的缺点,明天看表现呗,不要求一下改成完美,只要自己一点点进步就可以了,加油,窦春萌