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外文资料 Ination management systemInation management system Wiliam K.ThomsonU.S.A AbstractAbstract An ination storage, searching and retri system for large gigabytes domains of archived textual dam. The system includes multiple query generation processes, a search process, and a presentation of search results that is sorted by category or type and that may be customized based on the professional disciplineor analogous personal characteristic of the user, thereby reducing the amount of time and cost required to retrieve relevant results. KeywordKeywordInation managementRetri system Object-Oriented 1.INTRUDUCTION1.INTRUDUCTION This invention relates to an ination storage, searching and retri system that incorporates a novel organization for presentation of search results from large gigabytes domains of archived textual data. 2.BACKGROUDN OF THE INVENTION2.BACKGROUDN OF THE INVENTION On-line ination retri systems are utilized for searching and retrieving many kinds of ination. Most systems used today work in essentially the same manner; that is, users log on through a computer terminal or personal microcomputer, and typically from a remote location, select a source of ination i.e., a particular database which is usually something less than the complete domain, ulate a query, launch the search, and then review the search results displayed on the terminal or microcomputer, typically with documents or summaries of documents displayed in reverse chronological order. This process must be repeated each time another source database or group of sources is selected which is frequently necessary in order to insure all relevant documents have been found.Additionally, this process places on the user the burden of organizing and assimilating the multiple results generated from the launch of the same query in each of the multiple sources databases that the user needs or wants to search. Present systems that allow searching of large domains require persons seeking ination in these domains to attempt to modify their queries to reduce the search results to a size that the user can assimilate by browsing through them thus, potentially eliminating relevant results. 1 In many cases end users have been forced to use an intermediary i.e., a professional searcher because the current collections of sources are both complex and extensive, and effective search strategies often vary significantly from one source to another. Even with such guidance, potential relevant answers are missed because all potentially relevant databases or ination sources are not searched on every query. Much effort has been expended on refining and improving source selection by grouping sources or database files together. Significant effort has also been expended on query ulation through the use of knowledge bases and natural language processing. However, as the groupings of sources become larger, and the respons


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