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学习好资料欢迎下载 浙江大学儿科学教学网站题库汇总浙江大学儿科学教学网站题库汇总 05 级三系 2 班整理 名词解释名词解释 UnderweightUnderweight Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormoneSIADHSyndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormoneSIADH in bacterial meningitis,when hypothalamus or posterior pituitary gland is involved, ADH secretion abnormal, resulting in hyponatremia, hyposmolality and aggravating brain edema, conscious disturbance and convulsion. Severe diarrheaSevere diarrhea diarrhea not only with severe gastrointestinal symptoms but also with dehydration, electrolyte-acid-base imbalance and systemic toxic symptom, most frequently caused by intra-intestinal infection. Secretory diarrheaSecretory diarrhea Severe pneumoniaSevere pneumonia pneumonia with not only severe respiratory symptoms, but also systemic toxic symptoms and disturbance in other systems, such as brain edema, respiratory failure, heart failure, gastrointestinal bleeding and acidosis. StuntingStunting height be lower than normal mean height-for-age minus two standard deviations, the same sex moderate mean -3SD height 13, preterm15 or Bili increase>5mg/dl/day 3. Increased conjugated Bili. 2mg/dl 4. Last longer , 2 weeks in term or 4 weeks in preterm 5. Bili. Increase progressively or Jaundice reappear after disappearing just one of the above five can make the diagnosis of pathological jaundice. Physiological loss of body weightPhysiological loss of body weight the body weight of the infant declines to the lowest point 5-6 days after delivery resulting from the fluid loss after birth. The body weight of the infant will recover to the birth weight 7-10 days later. Meconium aspiration syndromeMeconium aspiration syndrome Nephrotic syndromeNephrotic syndrome The nephrotic syndrome is defined by a consultation of clinical and laboratory findings that includes severe proteinuria 50mg/kg/24h (1 分), hypoalbuminemia5.72mmol/L (1 分) edema(1 分). Neutral Thermal Environment neutral temperatureNeutral Thermal Environment neutral temperature Eisenmenger syndromeEisenmenger syndrome Those patients with left-to-right shunts ASD.VSD.PDA whose shunts have became partially or totally right-to-left as a result of the development of pulmonary vascular disease and pulmonary hypertension. Extramedullary hematopoiesisExtramedullary hematopoiesis When hematopoietic demand increases after birth, especially in the infant period, the liver, spleen and lymph nodes come back to the status to produce blood cells, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and lymphadenectasis appears, and there are immature erythrocytes and granulocytets in circulating blood. It is the specific phenomena only appearing in infant and toddler. It will recover to normal when infection and anemia are cured. 学习好资料欢迎下载 Differential cyanosisDifferential cyanosis DiGeorge SyndromDiGeorge Syndrom DiGeorge Syndrom is the classic example of T-cell deficiency(1 分) that is the result of dysmorphogenesis of the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches0.5 分. It


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