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精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 活性炭吸附VOC的工程设计 摘 要 近年来,人们逐渐认识到有机废气对环境和人类健康的巨大危害性,因此在环境工程领域对有机废气的治理越来越受到人们的重视。 本设计将介绍一种有效且最广泛使用的工业有机废气的净化技术活性炭吸附法。本设计利用活性炭固定床吸附系统对工业有机废气进行净化。经过该系统之前,废气会先用干式除尘器进行预处理,去除废气中的雾状物及粉尘,从而避开了这些物质堵塞活性炭微孔,影响活性炭的吸附效性能.而在活性炭吸附器的设计上,本文采纳了卧式多层设计。选用活性炭为吸附剂,具有吸附性能好,流体阻力小的特点。 首先本文将概述当前有机工业废气的处理现状,主要处理方法和优缺点,并且阐述本设计所采纳该技术的原因。 其次,本文将系统介绍所采纳技术的基本原理,设计原则和设计过程计算。 最后,对本毕业设计的造价和费用进行工程预算,包括工程施工费用、设备费用、工程管理费用、设备维护费用和水电费等等,确定其经济可行性.还给出了综合性的评价和可行性的建议. 关键词工业有机废气,干式除尘器,固定床吸附器,活性炭 Abstract Due to ubiquity in the environment and risk to human health, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have received great attention in the field of environmental control。 This design introduced an effective and the most extensive usage technology of activated carbon adsorption for cleaning volatile organic compounds (VOCs. That is to say, the project using the fixedbed adsorption system of activated carbon to purify volatile organic compounds (VOCs. Before decontanmination, the gases would be pretreaded by the dry separator which could wipe off the reek and dust, in order to avoid the subholes being jammed which would affect the efficiency of adsorption of activated carbon .Moreover the project choose activated carbon as sorbent,which has large adsorption ability and low resistance. At first, the text will introduce the condition of spray-paint waste gas,characteristics, and the present situation of cleaning of s volatile organic compounds (VOCs, and principles of them,explaining the reason to choose the technology。 The second, the text will describe the principle,design and the process calculation of the design。 Finally, the text will do the budget of the projet,listed the spending plan of each certain items after confirming the project, including the spending on engineering construction ,equipment ,construction supercising, equipment maintenance, and the cost of water and water and electricity, to make sure the availability of the design. At last, an all-aroud estimate and some feasible advice were suggested on the text。 Keywords volatile organic compounds (VOCs), dry separator, the fixed-bed adsorption system, activated carbon 目录 1。 绪 论1 1.1 概述1 1.1.1有机废气的来源1 1.1.2有机物对大气的破坏和对人类的危害1 1.2 有机废气治理技术现状及进展2 1。2.1 各种净化方法的分析比较3 2 设计任务说明4 2.1 设计任务4 2。2设计进气指标4 2.3 设计出气指标4 2。4 设计目标4 3 工艺流程说明6 3。1 工艺选择6 3.2 工艺流程6 4 设计与计算8 4.1 基本原理8 4。1.1 吸附原理8 4。1.2 吸附机理9 4.1.3 吸附等温线与吸附等温方程式9 4.1。4 吸附量12 4。1。5 吸附速率12 4。2吸附器选择的设计计算13 4。2。1 吸附器的确定13 4.2。2 吸附剂的选择14 4.2。3 空塔气速和横截面积的确定16 4。2.4 固定床吸附层高度的计算17 4.2。5吸附剂(活性炭)用量的计算18 4。2.6 床层压降的计算19 4。2.7 活性炭再生的计算19 4。3集气罩的设计计算20 4。3。1集气罩气流的流动特性21 4。3。2集气罩的分类及设计原则21 4。3.3集气罩的选型22 4。4吸附前的预处理24 4.5 管道系统设计计算24 4.5。1 管道系统的配置25 4。5.2 管道内流体流速的选择26 4。5.3管道直径的确定26 4。5.4管道内流体的压力损失27 4。5。5风机和电机的选择27 5 工程核算30 5.1 工程造价30 5.2 运行费用核算31 5.2.1价格标准31 5。2.2运行费用31 6 结论与建议32 6。1结论32 6。2建议32 参考文献34 致谢35 IV 精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 1. 绪 论 1。1 概述 1.1。1有机废气的来源 有


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