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精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 汽车雨刮器的自动控制系统设计与实现 设计总说明 本次设计的汽车自动雨刷省去了人为手动操作雨刷的问题,能够自动感应雨量并进行相应的工作。自动雨刷用雨滴传感器作为检测器来感应雨量的大小,把感应信号传给单片机,通过软件的控制驱动芯片自动调节电机的正反转与转动频率。此次设计采纳40引脚的单片机AT89S52,设计中运用ULN2024AN驱动芯片来驱动步进电机的运转,克服了电机在低频工作时的噪音大,震动大的缺点。本次设计在一定的程度上为驾驶者提供了舒适性和安全性的保障,避开了由于驾驶者手动操作雨刷的不当而带来的交通安全问题,同时也大大的提高了汽车雨刷的全面性与可靠性。 在汽车智能雨刮系统中由于两个雨刮电机的转速不可能完全一样,就存在两个雨刮摆动不同步的问题。本文在分析了模糊控制理论及雨刮同步摆动规则的基础上,提出了一种基于模糊控制的汽车智能雨刮系统。该系统将转速偏差和转速偏差变化量模糊化为模糊控制器的输入语言变量,根据所制定的一套模糊控制规则来选择控制PWM的输出语言变量,并以此通过脉宽调制技术来驱动直流电机,使两个雨刮同步摆动。 关键词雨滴传感器;步进电机;单片机;雨刮器 第 Ⅰ 页 精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 Car Wiper Blade Design and Implementation of Automatic Control System Design Description The design of the automatic wipers is improved further in the traditional manual based on. Automatic wiper with rain sensor as the detector size induced precipitation, the induction signal is sent to the single chip microcomputer。 reversing and turning frequency automatic adjusting motor through the control of the software driver. The design is based on the 40pin of the mic AT89S52. That use of ULN2024AN to drive the stepper motor driver chip design operation。 The pulse width modulation’s chopper driver mode。 Thus greatly overcome the noise when the motor work in the low frequency , vibration faults。 Provide comfort and safely guarantee this design in a certain extent for the driver, to avoid the traffic safety problem caused by the driver manually operated wiper improper。 At the same time also greatly improve the comprehensiveness and reliability of automobile windshield wiper。 In intelligent windscreen wiper system of automobile, As the problem of technics, rotate speed of two electro motors are not the same completely, so there are the problems that two wiper blades swing ansynchronous。 In the thesis, a intelligent windscreen wiper system of automobile based on fuzzy control is presented, by analyzing fuzzy control theory and synchronous swing rules of windscreen wiper。 The speed error and its change were used as fuzzy stable variable。 According to a set of fuzzy rules, the output variable was selected to control the PWM switch。 In this way, the PWM technique was used to drive the DC motor and control windscreen wiper to swing synchronously. keywordsrain sensor;Stepper motor;MCU; windscreen wiper 第 Ⅲ 页 精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 目录 1.绪论1 1。1 概述1 1.2 讨论背景1 1。3国内外讨论现状2 1。4讨论意义3 2.总体设计方案4 2。1自动雨刷控制系统设计思路4 2.2设计原理4 2.3系统组成5 2.3。1 单片机的比较与选择5 2.3.2 STC12c5a60s2功能特性概述6 2。4雨滴传感器的分类8 2.4.1压电振子原理的雨滴传感器8 2。4.2雨滴传感器种类9 2.4.3光量变化的雨滴传感器9 2。4.4红外雨滴传感器的原理10 2.5 显示元件选择10 2。5。1液晶显示简介10 2。5. LCD1602的基本参数及引脚功能12 2.6刮水电机13 2.6.1刮水电机型号的编制方法13 2。6.2减速器的结构特点14 6.2。3刮水电机的控制电路分析15 3。智能雨刮器的硬件组成及其芯片介绍18 3.1 STC89C52的时钟电路和复位电路18 3。2 A/D转换电路19 3.2.1 ADC0832芯片介绍19 3.2.2 ADC0832芯片电路21 3。2 液晶显示电路21 3。2。1 1602液晶简介21 3。2.2 液晶引脚说明22 3。2.3 液晶显示模块


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