精品文档---下载后可任意编辑 沧州电大形成性考核英语I(1)光盘题答案 第一单元 一。1.manager 2。detail 3.secretary 4。company 5。mobile 6.British 7.America 8.flight 9。local 10。parent二。15 BAACB 610 CBAAC。 三。CBACAB 四。34 302 2170569 2408 第二单元 一.1。pleased 2。shame 3.enjoy 4.start 5。colleague 6。sandwich 7.reservation 8。single 9。canteen 10.usually。 二。15 ABACB 610 ACABA. 三.BACAC 四.ABACB 第三单元 一。1。口信messange2.加班work late 3.复印机photocopier4.工商企业business 5。个人电脑personal6.行李luggage7.角落corner8.首都capital9.接待处reception10。植物plant 二.15 BAACC 610 BAACB 三.ACABBBCB 四.CBCAC 第四单元一.1。company 2.retired3.holiday4.lawyer5.immediately6.important7.customer8。interview9.train10。concert 二。15 BACAC 610 BCACC 三.BABCA 四。 How are things I’m helpful Have got parents any cousins Do have I do 62 in 第五单元 一。寻找look for 2。问题problem3。便利的convenient4。搜寻hunt5。有吸引力的attractive6。打电话ring up7。独立的separate8.神经紧张的nervous9。修理repair 二.15 CAAAB 610 CBACC 三。ABBAC 四。ACBCB 第六单元重做后会变化)第一题单选答案略 二.阅读(每个的开头)1。Goodmoring Madam。.CACAC) 2。信格式Hello, XiaoYan结尾David Manning ABACB)3.Helens husband is Mark.(BCAAA)4。So as you can see。(ABCCA)5。Dear Mr.Manning(BABAA) 三.1。Betty is from ItalyCABAC)2.Hello,everyone(ABBCA)3。Everyone has one or two thingsABACA4。It is Sunday moringBCAAA5。The dream of every family(BCCBA)6.In America ,on school days(BBACA 四。 汉译英 1.这本书多少钱 How much does the book cost 2.你的老师是美国人吗 Is your teacher from the USA 3。去看看这个公寓房怎么样 How about seeing the flat 4.你为什么不去试一试 Why don’t you have a try 5.她眼下在培训一个中国同事. She is currently training a Chinese colleague. 6。房租一月五百磅. The rent costs 500 pounds a month。 7。去看电影怎么样 How about going to the cinema 8。你为什么不去跟他们面谈. Why don’t you go and talk to them face to face 9.小燕在读书。 Xiaoyan is reading a book. 10.我今日要干到七点钟。 I’ll work until 7 oclock. 11.我是护士. I am a nurse. 12。今晚去跳舞怎么样 How about going dancing this evening 13。我这个星期要来修理.I’ll repair it this week. 14。我父亲是医生. My father is a doctor。 15。你为什么不去找房地产经纪人 Why don’t you go to an estate agent 16.你为什么不搞个计划 Why don’t you make a plan 17.他现在正在访问纽约办事处。He is visiting the NewYork office right now。 18.萨丽是个警官吗 Is Sally a police officer 19.在酒吧见面怎么样 How about meeting at the bar 20.你为什么不去看医生 Why don’t you go to see a doctor 21.大卫此刻在睡觉。 David is sleeping now. 22.他不是建筑师,他是工程师。 He isn’t an architect .He is an engineer。 23.先给玛丽打个电话怎么样 How about making a call to Mary first 24.我要来打扫。 Ill clean it . 25.明天下午去踢足球怎么样 How about playing football tomorrow afternoon 26.玛丽在度假. Mary is having a holiday now。 27.你为什么不去市场部 Why don’t you go to the Marketing Department 28.波莉在读报. Polly is reading a newspaper。 29.他们是工程师。 They are engineers. 30.我来给他们打电话。 I’ll call them. 五.英译汉 1。There are three desks in the office.办公室有三张办公桌。 2.There is a fax machine in the office.办公室里有一部会传真机。 3.Are there any computers in the office办公室里有计算机吗 4。There are three chairs in our room。房间里有三把椅子. 5。Are there fifty students in the class班里有50名学生吗 6.I usually have a sandwich at lunchtime。午饭时我常常吃