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实用文案 Contents of this page includeContents of this page include MaslowMaslow HertzbergHertzberg Elton MayoElton Mayo HandyHandy Mcgregor theory X and YMcgregor theory X and Y Ouchi theory ZOuchi theory Z Lean and mass productionLean and mass production MaslowMaslow’’s hierarchy of needss hierarchy of needs Maslow showed how an individual ’ s emphasis on needs moved from basic to the higher needs. The needs at the bottom must be satisfied to move at the higher ones. Needs do not have to be completely satisfied before higher needs emerge, a sufficient level of satisfaction is acceptable as opposed to the maximum or optimum level. 标准文档 实用文案 Maslow’s theory may be summarized and simplified by saying that everyone wants certain things throughout life, and these things can be placed in five ascending categories namely BasicBasic oror physiologicalphysiological needsneeds the things needed to stay alive food, shelter and clothing. Such needs can be satisfied by money. SafetySafety oror securitysecurity needsneeds people want protection against, unemployment, retirement as well as being safeguarded against unfair treatment. These needs can be satisfied by the rules of employmenti.epensionscheme,sickfund,employment legislation. Social needsSocial needs the vast majority of people want to be part of a group and it is only through group activity that this need can be satisfied. Thus it is up to the organization to make the employee feel part of a group. EgoEgo oror EsteemEsteem needsneeds e.g. can include employee being asked to lead a group in a project. This enables the employee to think well of himself and in his abilities. This can be satisfied if the say or suggestion of the employee is taken into account and/or he is asked to lead or be part of an important task. 标准文档 实用文案 Self-actualizationSelf-actualization oror self-fulfillmentself-fulfillment needsneeds this is quite the need to achieve something worthwhile in life. It is a need that is satisfied only by continuing success, for example opening and running a new office. UATION OF MASLOWUATION OF MASLOW The significance of maslow’s hierarchy of needs is that if underlines the relative importance of money. Status gives little satisfaction to a person desperate for food and shelter. On the other hand it demonstrates that money alone is not enough, and indeed as basic needs are satisfied people are likely to concentrate their attentions on social and ego needs. HerzbergHerzberg’’s theory of motivations theory of motivation Herzberg attempted to find out what motivated people at work. He developed the two-factor theory that was based on the idea that motivation is based on two needs, namely hygiene factors and motivational factors. 标准文档 实用文案 Hygiene factorsHygiene factors are those that have to do with non-job related features such as the working environment. MotivationalMotivational factorsfactors are those concerned with a need for personal development. CAUSES HY


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