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人才流失外文翻译文献 人才流失外文翻译文献 文档含英文原文和中文翻译文档含英文原文和中文翻译 人才流失外文翻译文献 译文 吸引和留住人才 摘摘要要 吸引人才和留住人才,是企业成功的关键。企业最重要的资源,就是优秀雇 员,他们不断提升工作技能,为企业和顾客带来更大的价值。本文论述的是如何 吸引和留住人才来保持竞争力,以及如何打造持续繁荣发展的企业环境。 关键词关键词 吸引,留住,人才,环境,竞争力 1 1 吸引和留住人才的重要性吸引和留住人才的重要性 十多年前,美国一些先进的公司就预言将会出现严重的人力资源短缺问题。 这样的预言在当今竞争越来越激烈的商界中已经得到验证。 人力资源短缺几乎能 影响所有的行业,因此企业雇主应当跳出传统陈旧的人力资源配置概念。当“新 手”雇员加入工作岗位,必然有各种问题随之产生。因此,吸引和留住企业中的 优秀雇员十分重要。高效率的雇员就是令人满意的雇员。这样的人才能为企业创 造更好的业绩。 企业管理者有责任不断地营造能让人才乐意工作于其中的企业环 境。 首先要确保新招募的雇员的素质, 认定及留住资深雇员,再者就是发展有成 长潜力的雇员。 同时要关注表现欠佳的员工,去了解这类员工是否分配到了不适 当的工作岗位, 明确公司有无提供具体清晰的工作要求让员工清楚明白自己的工 作职责。 如果员工的表现没有达到预定的要求,企业管理者应明确地反馈给员工 知道。 大卫格洛斯是 Power for others, its a preliminary step into deciding if this person would be good for the company. Interviewing is the pivotal part of this whole process, because how else can you know if the potential employee is good, unless you ask questions, put them in situations, and test them for their ability to think on their feet 人才流失外文翻译文献 The ultimate importance of the interview is always up for debate, but how it is approached seems to be trending. Conducting a Successful Interview 1.Be prepared; know what questions you’re going to ask. Research the position, identify skills a qualified candidate should possess; if there is more than one person doing the interview, work together and be ready. 2.Be courteous; be on time; put YOUR best foot forward. Show potential employees that your company is a great place to work. 3.Conducttheinterviewinacomfortableplace;eliminate interruptions. Your office is not a good place to conduct an interview. Use a conference room, private break area or other room where you won’t be interrupted. 4.Listen attentively; make eye contact; get to know the applicant. You can learn a great deal about a person by simply listening to what they say and how they say it. Do they communicate well Are they being honest Listen and you’ll know. 5.Give the applicant time to ask questions about the company and the job. Sell the position and the organization; create goodwill. This person 人才流失外文翻译文献 has the potential to increase your profits. Companies that approach their employees as numbers, and treat them as nothing but vessels from which to get money and revenue, fail at retaining their people, he adds. “You have to be concerned about their welfare, and give them flexibility when they need it,“ says Groce. “If a company could provide some kind of day care, or anything like that with a personal touch, that would be a huge boon to their people. How about an employee with no more vacation time and an emergency illness with his mother You tell him to go to her, and that vacation time can be figured out later. You need to cement the relationship as a supportive force in their lives.“ Employees’ satisfactionEmployees’ satisfaction Butcher and St. John conducted a survey of their own employees to find out about their job satisfaction and what they like, or dont like, about their job. The companys financial health 66.7 percent far outp


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