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1 目次 1 . 3 2 . 4 2.1 4 2.2 5 3 . 6 3.1 . 6 3.2 6 4 . 8 4.1 8 4.2 . 8 4.3 . 9 4.4 10 4.5 10 5 13 5.1 13 5.2 13 5.3 14 5.4 14 6 15 6.1 15 6.2 15 6.3 15 6.4 . 16 7 17 7.1 17 7.2 17 7.3 18 A . 20 B . 22 C . 22 D . 24 E 25 F . 27 G . 28 35 36 37 2 Contents 1.General provisions3 2.Terms and symbols4 2.1 Terms .4 2.2 Symbols5 3. Materials and properties6 3.1 Materials6 3.2 properties6 4. Design 8 4.1 General provisions8 4.2 Perance design8 4.3 Structure design9 4.4 Subsidiary engineering design.9 4.5 Design calculation10 5. Mix proportion.13 5.1 General provisions 13 5.2 Mix proportion calculation.13 5.3 Mix proportion trial mix.14 5.4 Mix proportion adjustment.14 6. Engineering construction15 6.1 Construction preparation15 6.2 Pouring 15 6.3 Subsidiary engineering construction16 6.4 Maintenance.17 7 Quality inspection and acceptance.18 7.1 General provisions.18 7.2 Quality uate18 7.3 Quality acceptance.19 Appendix A Test of foaming agent perance. 20 Appendix B Wet density test.22 Appendix C Adaptability test.23 Appendix D Flow value test 24 Appendix E Air-dry density and saturated density test25 Appendix F Compressive strength and saturated compressive strength test.27 Appendix G Table of uate and acceptance for quality28 Explanation of Wording in this code35 Normative standard .36 Descriptive provision.37 3 1 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 4 2 2.1 2.1.1 foamed mixture lightweight soil 2.1.2 foamed group 2.1.3 foaming liquid 2.1.4 foaming agent 2.1.5 dilution multiple 2.1.6 foaming multiple 2.1.7 foamed group density 2.1.8 standard foamed group 111L 2.1.9 flow value 2.1.10 wet density 2.1.11 dry density 2.1.12 saturated density 72h 2.1.13 compressive strength 2.1.14 saturated compressive strength 72h 5 2.2 符 号 c E MPa u q MPa s q MPa f  kg/m3  kN/m3 d  kN/m3 s  kN/m3  mm 6 3 3.1 3.1.1 42.5 GB 175 GB 20472 3.1.2 JGJ63 3.1.3 A 1 50kg/m3 2kg/m3 2 5mm 3 25ml 3.1.4 4.75mm 3.1.5


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