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-- -- Someone says, dead poets society is a youth Festivals.I think, this is just The film s influence on me really very deep. 青春,激情,理想,现实,光影交错中散射的气息竟然与我如今的心情是这么的契合 Youth, passion, ideal, reality, in light and shade of the scattering atmosphere actually with my mood now is so fit 那种迷惘,那种追寻,那种急切的想掘出活着的意义却无有哲人说这就是成长。如果说这 是每个人必经的过程的话, 那么在四处碰壁撞的头破血流后突然发现自己一直在追求的理想 世界不过是自己的臆想, 在现实的面前一切梦想都可以渺小的无关紧要的时候, 我们该怎么 面对呢 The kind of confusion, that follow, the eager to dig the meaning of life without a philosopher said This is the growth. If this is everyone must pass through the process, then hit a brick wall hit head broken and bleeding after suddenly found himself always in the pursuit of the ideal world but their own imagination, in the reality in front of all dreams can be little be of no great importance when, how should we face 成长本应该是充满快乐和幸福的,但现实的残酷总会无情的折断我们梦想高飞的翅膀。 高墙围建的学校,没有体温的家庭温暖,折磨人的社会环境,一浪接一浪得将我们逼向痛苦 的深渊,陪伴我们的只有黑暗的白昼,没有曙光的太阳,寒冷的空气,和压在身上的大山。 Growth should be full of joy and happiness, but the cruel reality always relentless break our dream wings. The school built high walls, no body warmth, tortured peoples social environment, wave after wave will drive us to the abyss of suffering, to accompany our only dark day, there is no dawn sun, cold air, and the pressure on the body of the mountains. 生命是什么在影片 死亡诗社中, 生命是诗, 生命是音符, 是戏剧中最华彩的篇章; 生命是理想,生命是自由,是一个人所应具有的全部自信与独立;它引导着你,鼓舞着你, 激励着你以向死而生的勇气去追求真正的青春年华与高贵信仰。 What is life In the movie“ dead poets society“, life is a poem, life is music, drama is most the brilliant chapter; life is ideal, life is free, a person should have full confidence and independence; it will guide you, encourage you, inspire you to death and living the courage to the pursuit of true and noble faith of youth. 校园题材的电影在历史的银幕上已经上演过很多次了, 不敢说每一部都使我们得到心 灵的震撼,但至少让我们明白了原来我们可以拥有不一样的未来。 再一次提醒 了我们,我们每一个人都是这个世界上唯一的,也同样是最与众不同,最独一无二的天才。 做我们想做的,不畏艰难,不畏压力,不畏怀疑,不畏一切,勇敢迈开我们的步伐,对全世 界嘹亮的呐喊出我们真实的心声。 Campus drama in the history of the screen has been pered many times, do not dare to say all that we get the shock of the soul, but at least let us understand that we can have a different future. once again reminds us, everyone of us is the only thing in the world, is also the most out of the ordinary, the genius of the one and only. Do we want to do, take the bull by the horns, no pressure, no doubt, fear nothing, brave starts our pace, to the world loud shout out to our true feelings. 死亡诗社 的故事发生在上个世纪五十年代末一所名叫威尔顿预备学院的中学里。 这所 升学率不错的重点学校, 拥有一百多年的历史及良好的声誉。 学院的校旨是所谓的四大支柱 传统,荣誉,纪律,卓越。可当学生们关上房门,这四大支柱却变成了虚伪,恐怖,颓废 -- -- 与污秽。同时,学生们还为它起了一个非常形象的名字地狱。影片开场的一组镜头就以沉 郁的影像表现了这一“地狱”对学生强大的威摄力与禁锢力,它就像一部毫无热度与感情色彩 的机器,将每一名学生加工成面目一致的合格产品。可是这一切,却因为基廷这个异类老师 的出现而改变了。 “ Dead poets society“ the story occurred in the last century fiftys at the end of a man named Wilton college preparatory high school. The enrollment rate of good schools, has one hundred years of history and good reputation. The purpose of school is called the four pillars tradition, honor, discipline,


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