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优点英语 2021-20222021-2022 学年高二升高三暑期计划之读后续写(六)学年高二升高三暑期计划之读后续写(六) 目录目录 Part APart A Part BPart B Part CPart C Part DPart D Part EPart E 内容内容 读后续写模考经典原文读后续写模考经典原文 读后续写思路引导读后续写思路引导 写作优秀句式翻译写作优秀句式翻译 篇章写作润色篇章写作润色 课后练笔巩固提升课后练笔巩固提升 Part APart A 读后续写模考经典原文读后续写模考经典原文 My days always started with a two-to four-mile run on a nearby greenway. For about two years, I had a very faithful running partner. This giant, orange tabby cat was probably the gentlest cat I had ever encountered. He would see me climbing the hill and join in, running alongside me for about a quarter mile until he meowed enough to get me to stop and pet him. A few minutes later, when I attempted to restart my run, he would wind around my ankles to keep me longer. Although he was a rather fat fellow, I always brought him some cat food. On fair-weather afternoons, I would pick up my four-year-old granddaughter from pre-school and we would visit the tabby cat together. She would insist on bringing him an afternoon treat. Before long, he started winding around her little ankles as well. One day, while my granddaughter was pouring out the plastic baggie full of cat chow mixed with leftover chicken, she brought up a good point. She cried out, “Weve got to call them something” My granddaughter stepped back and, deep in thought, studied the cat carefully as he enjoyed the remains of her Happy Meal. Then she announced, “Ive gotit Tom Tom ” All the regular runners, walkers, bikers and visitors to the greenway soon came to know the big, friendly orange tabby as “Tom Tom“. My granddaughter loved the cat. She looked forward to our greenway walks and visiting Tom Tom, something simple that the two of us did together. With her birthday approaching, I wanted to do something extra special. I cooperated with a local college art student and produced a self-published childrens book for my granddaughter about our greenway friend. My only real intent was to print a copy or two for her birthday, so I was 优点英语 pleasantly surprised when several copies were sold Soon, Tom Tom became the most famous cat in town 注意1. 续写词数应为 150 左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 On a Friday in January, the forecast was calling for a snowstorm. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Tom Tom has been part of our family for the past three years. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________


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